
A searchable directory of buckets for the scoop package manager for Windows

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Scoop buckets by Github score

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# Bucket▲ Apps▲ ★▲ ⑂▲ Updated▲
1. ScoopInstaller/Extras: 📦 The Extras bucket for Scoop. (scoop’s built-in bucket ‘extras’) 2086 1796 1358 24‑10‑14
2. ScoopInstaller/Main: 📦 The default bucket for Scoop. (scoop’s built-in bucket ‘main’) 1344 1590 959 24‑10‑14
3. chawyehsu/dorado: 🐟 Yet Another bucket for lovely Scoop 257 1047 106 24‑10‑14
4. matthewjberger/scoop-nerd-fonts: A scoop bucket for installing nerd fonts (scoop’s built-in bucket ‘nerd-fonts’) 342 371 36 24‑10‑13
5. Calinou/scoop-games: Scoop bucket for open source/freeware games and game-related tools (scoop’s built-in bucket ‘games’) 329 289 147 24‑10‑14
6. ScoopInstaller/Java: 📦 A bucket for Scoop, for Oracle Java, OpenJDK, Eclipse Temurin, IBM Semeru, Zulu, ojdkbuild, Amazon Corretto, BellSoft Liberica, SapMachine and Microsoft JDK. (scoop’s built-in bucket ‘java’) 293 262 91 24‑10‑08
7. ivaquero/scoopet: 🚀 A Scoop bucket for facilitating academic research 107 253 65 24‑10‑14
8. ScoopInstaller/Versions: 📦 A Scoop bucket for alternative versions of apps. (scoop’s built-in bucket ‘versions’) 469 208 199 24‑10‑14
9. TheRandomLabs/Scoop-Spotify: A Scoop bucket for Spotify, Spicetify and related packages. 10 178 14 24‑10‑14
10. borger/scoop-galaxy-integrations: Provides an easy way to install, attach and update the GOG Galaxy 2 Integrations 27 167 3 24‑08‑28
11. TheCjw/scoop-retools: Scoop bucket for reverse engineering tools 23 155 22 24‑10‑07
12. TheRandomLabs/scoop-nonportable: A Scoop bucket for nonportable applications. (scoop’s built-in bucket ‘nonportable’) 80 137 40 24‑10‑09
13. kodybrown/scoop-nirsoft: A Scoop bucket of useful NirSoft utilities (scoop’s built-in bucket ‘nirsoft’) 276 136 39 24‑10‑06
14. arch3rPro/PST-Bucket: Scoop-Buket for Penetration Suite Toolkit - Windows渗透测试工具仓库For Scoop 173 128 19 24‑10‑11
15. littleli/scoop-clojure: Install Clojure on Windows with Scoop 27 124 7 24‑10‑12
16. hoilc/scoop-lemon: 🍋Yet Another Personal Bucket for Scoop 1271 109 13 24‑10‑14
17. ScoopInstaller/Nirsoft: 📦 Bucket of almost all of the 280+ apps from Migrated from MCOfficer/scoop-nirsoft with permission. 283 96 14 24‑10‑13
18. exoscale/cli: Command-line tool for everything at Exoscale: compute, storage, dns. 1 88 19 24‑10‑11
19. scoopcn/scoopcn: Mostly Chinese applications / 大多是国内应用程序 30 88 10 24‑10‑14
20. kkzzhizhou/scoop-zapps: 自用Scoop仓库,使用Github Action自动更新 170 82 22 24‑10‑14
21. rasa/scoops: 📦 A bucket of tasty scoop flavored apps. 80 81 15 24‑10‑10
22. kidonng/sushi: 🍣 A tasty and inclusive Scoop bucket 53 75 22 24‑03‑14
23. Paxxs/Cluttered-bucket: 🍺一个(尽量) 绿色干净,带有惊喜的 scoop bucket 软件仓库(Windows 绿色软件收录/优秀软件/独立开发者) 65 70 2 24‑10‑11
24. ScoopInstaller/Nonportable: 📦 Scoop bucket for non-portable applications. 127 66 42 24‑10‑14
25. KNOXDEV/wsl: A scoop bucket for Window Subsystem for Linux distros. No Windows Store necessary. 12 55 7 24‑08‑24
26. rishi255/posh_codex: PowerShell module that enables you to use AI Code Completion in the command line. 1 55 5 24‑10‑13
27. ACooper81/scoop-apps: A personal bucket for 664 52 13 24‑10‑14
28. echoiron/echo-scoop: A bucket of commonly used portable(green) software 102 51 4 24‑10‑14
29. cderv/r-bucket: Personal scoop bucket I use as an R user and software engineer 34 49 3 24‑10‑14
30. hermanjustnu/scoop-emulators: Scoop bucket for emulators 83 44 10 24‑10‑14
31. couleur-tweak-tips/utils: 🧧 CTT’s Scoop bucket, and some legacy PowerShell scripts 20 43 12 24‑08‑14
32. plicit/scoop-search-multisource: Searches Scoop buckets: local, remote, zip, html 1 39 0 24‑08‑28
33. v2rayA/v2raya-scoop: Scoop bucket of v2rayA for Windows users 7 35 8 24‑10‑14
34. dodorz/scoop: Yet Another Personal Bucket for Scoop 710 33 10 24‑10‑13
35. borger/scoop-emulators: Provides an easy way to install and update the best emulators/tools 53 31 5 24‑10‑14
36. everyx/scoop-bucket: my bucket for scoop 36 30 5 24‑09‑28
37. neatorobito/scoop-crystal: Scoop bucket for the Crystal programming language on Windows 2 30 4 24‑10‑10
38. Qv2ray/mochi: 🍡Mochi: A Tasty Solution for Chinese Scoop Users 15 29 5 24‑10‑14
39. wangzq/scoop-bucket: A bucket for 211 28 7 24‑08‑31
40. kiennq/scoop-misc: Miscellaneous scoop packages 22 28 3 24‑10‑09
41. ViCrack/scoop-bucket: The free bucket for Scoop 120 28 2 24‑10‑14
42. TheRandomLabs/Scoop-Bucket: My personal Scoop bucket. 13 28 0 24‑02‑17
43. niheaven/scoop-sysinternals: Scoop bucket for Sysinternals 75 27 3 24‑10‑13
44. akirco/aki-apps: scoop bucket 310 26 3 24‑10‑14
45. meshery/scoop-bucket: Scoop Apps for Meshery command line client 1 24 12 24‑10‑08
46. whoopscs/scoop-security: 用于渗透测试和网络安全相关工具下载、安装和自动更新的Scoop软件仓库。Scoop bucket for Penetration Testing and Cybersecurity related tools. 79 23 5 24‑10‑14
47. wzv5/ScoopBucket: A bucket for Scoop. 36 22 0 24‑10‑14
48. zhoujin7/tomato: My personal scoop bucket. 58 21 8 24‑10‑14
49. TheRandomLabs/Scoop-Python: A Scoop bucket for Python applications that do not provide standalone executables. 25 20 4 24‑10‑13
50. DoveBoy/Apps: 📦 The Apps bucket for Scoop. 720 19 6 24‑10‑14
51. rkbk60/scoop-for-jp: Scoop bucket for ALL Japanese users. 9 19 5 23‑03‑14
52. jonz94/scoop-sarasa-nerd-fonts: 📦 A scoop bucket for installing Sarasa Gothic nerd fonts 49 17 0 24‑10‑14
53. charmbracelet/scoop-bucket: Charmbracelet Scoop Bucket 13 16 2 24‑09‑13
54. dooteeen/scoop-for-jp: Scoop bucket for ALL Japanese users. 9 16 2 24‑03‑02
55. amorphobia/siku: 🪣 My own bucket for Scoop 77 16 1 24‑10‑13
56. naderi/scoop-bucket: My scoop bucket 342 15 2 24‑10‑14
57. hu3rror/scoop-muggle: 🪣 A bucket with lots of cool and unique applications 🌟 153 14 2 24‑10‑12
58. killsen/scoop-dev: 使用 Scoop 搭建 Windows 统一开发环境 1 13 4 24‑10‑12
59. NyaMisty/scoop_bucket_misty 18 13 2 24‑10‑14
60. ygguorun/scoop-bucket: Self-use scoop bucket repository. 117 12 3 24‑10‑14
61. noql-net/scoop 15 12 0 24‑10‑13
62. batkiz/backit: a scoop bucket 161 10 3 24‑07‑04
63. ChungZH/peach: 🍑 A sweet Scoop bucket. | 你在想屁吃? 18 10 3 24‑06‑04
64. 42wim/scoop-bucket: Personal scoop bucket. Support for chrome and ms edge. 15 10 3 24‑05‑26
65. lptstr/lptstr-scoop: The Scoop bucket for LPTSTR projects. 8 10 3 23‑03‑07
66. AStupidBear/scoop-bear: Scoop bucket for niche apps 58 10 2 24‑07‑14
67. iquiw/scoop-bucket: My personal scoop bucket 32 10 2 24‑10‑14
68. tokiedokie/scoop-search: yet another scoop search 1 10 2 24‑07‑05
69. Velgus/Scoop-Portapps: A Scoop bucket for the Portapps collection 61 10 1 24‑10‑14
70. aliesbelik/poldi: :owl: Personal Scoop bucket 143 10 0 24‑10‑13
71. snyk/scoop-snyk: A Scoop Bucket for Snyk, making installation on Windows easier 2 9 14 24‑10‑11
72. mogeko/scoop-sysinternals: Install Sysinternals via scoop 75 9 2 23‑07‑10
73. liaoya/scoop-bucket: Tom’s scoop bucket which contain the software does not exist in main and extras scoop bucket 10 9 1 24‑09‑29
74. brian6932/dank-scoop: 🪣 Yet Another Personal Scoop Bucket 138 9 0 24‑10‑14
75. jfut/scoop-jfut: 📦 “jfut” bucket for 35 9 0 24‑10‑13
76. supabase/scoop-bucket 3 8 8 24‑10‑14
77. hymkor/make-scoop-manifest: Make the manifest file of the scoop-installer 1 8 3 24‑04‑23
78. SayCV/scoop-cvp: scoop-cvp 296 8 2 24‑10‑07
79. cc713/ownscoop: My own scoop bucket 104 8 1 24‑10‑14
80. aoisummer/scoop-bucket: A personal bucket for scoop. 45 8 1 24‑10‑13
81. starise/Scoop-Gaming: Scoop Bucket of 🕹️ PC Gaming apps for video gamers. 11 8 1 24‑10‑02
82. krproject/qi-windows: 器,工欲善其事,必先利其器!Windows Scoop Bucket 14 8 0 22‑05‑30
83. rivy/scoop-bucket 610 7 4 24‑09‑18
84. Rigellute/scoop-bucket: Scoop bucket for spotify-tui 1 7 4 23‑01‑11
85. excitoon/scoop-user: User Scoop repository 67 7 3 22‑06‑02
86. Darkatse/Scoop-Darkatse: Personal bucket with wide variety of applications of all kind. 30 7 3 24‑10‑14
87. TianXiaTech/scoop-txt: A new bucket for scoop which contains some Chinese apps 27 7 3 24‑10‑14
88. alextwothousand/scoop-bucket: A scoop bucket containing all sorts I find useful. 13 7 3 24‑06‑04
89. Weidows-projects/scoop-3rd: ☘third-party scoop bucket. Welcome pull requests! 157 7 1 24‑10‑14
90. littleli/Scoop-littleli: Littleli’s personal scoop bucket 44 7 1 24‑10‑13
91. kengwang/scoop-ctftools-bucket: Essential tools for security, easily install with scoop 29 7 1 24‑10‑12
92. AkariiinMKII/Scoop4kariiin: A Scoop bucket for personal use. 24 7 1 24‑10‑11
93. BjoernPetersen/scoop-misc-bucket: A scoop bucket containing some useful programs missing in the default buckets 2 7 1 24‑10‑08
94. starise/Scoop-Confetti: Bucket of Confetti 🎊 for Scoop: command-line installer for Windows. 48 7 0 24‑10‑14
95. seumsc/scoop-seu: Another Scoop bucket. 45 7 0 24‑10‑13
96. star2000/scoop-ext-laragon: Manage laragon app from scoop 1 7 0 22‑10‑03
97. frostming/scoop-frostming: My personal scoop bucket 1 6 2 24‑10‑11
98. FlawlessCasual17/MyScoop: This bucket contains apps that are not in the known ScoopInstaller buckets. 216 6 1 24‑10‑14
99. HUMORCE/nuke: A Scoop bucket for personal use. 143 6 1 24‑10‑14
100. goreleaser/scoop-bucket: Scoop bucket for @goreleaser binaries, powered by @goreleaser 4 6 1 24‑09‑17
101. mo-san/scoop-bucket: scoop manifests 133 6 0 24‑10‑13
102. beer-psi/scoop-bucket: 📦 Small tidbits I couldn’t find in other Scoop buckets. 51 6 0 24‑10‑12
103. yuusakuri/scoop-bucket 27 6 0 23‑02‑18
104. ChinLong/scoop-customize: It is customize for scoop-extras 17 6 0 23‑04‑18
105. Darkatse/Scoop-KanColle: A scoop bucket for KanColle players 13 6 0 23‑01‑15
106. Apocalypsor/My-Scoop-Bucket: My Scoop Bucket 10 6 0 22‑12‑25
107. so1ve/destiny: 📦 8 6 0 23‑03‑07
108. nvim-neorocks/rocks-scoop: Scoop buckets for use with rocks.nvim 2 6 0 24‑08‑26
109. otterize/scoop-otterize-cli: Scoop for Otterize CLI 1 6 0 24‑08‑25
110. stripe/scoop-stripe-cli 1 5 19 24‑10‑01
111. KnotUntied/scoop-fonts: Scoop bucket for installing fonts 158 5 3 24‑09‑28
112. yuanying1199/scoopbucket: my scoop bucket 34 5 3 24‑06‑26
113. twpayne/scoop-bucket: Scoop bucket, see 1 5 3 24‑10‑10
114. secrethub/scoop-secrethub: Scoop bucket with a collection of SecretHub tools. 1 5 3 23‑09‑07
115. ShuguangSun/sgs-scoop-bucket: scoop bucket 133 5 2 24‑10‑14
116. enndubyu/scoop-zig: A scoop bucket for the zig programming language and related tools. 4 5 2 24‑10‑14
117. Deide/deide-bucket: Personal bucket for 79 5 1 24‑10‑02
118. MCOfficer/scoop-bucket: My personal scoop bucket. 55 5 1 23‑09‑08
119. jingyu9575/scoop-jingyu9575: Personal bucket for 46 5 1 23‑02‑28
120. The-Simples/scoop-minecraft: A Scoop Bucket that focues on Minecraft related stuff. 20 5 1 24‑10‑13
121. AkinoKaede/maple: 🍁 A Scoop bucket 20 5 1 24‑08‑23
122. BenjaminMichaelis/Config: Various config files, mostly for setting up new machines 18 5 1 24‑09‑30
123. hulucc/bucket: my scoop bucket 17 5 1 23‑03‑04
124. DopplerHQ/scoop-doppler: Package Manager Doppler CLI for Windows 1 5 1 24‑09‑12
125. configcat/scoop-configcat: A Scoop bucket for ConfigCat. ConfigCat is a hosted feature flag service: Manage feature toggles across frontend, backend, mobile, desktop apps. Alternative to LaunchDarkly. Management app + feature flag SDKs. 1 5 1 24‑08‑22
126. abgox/abgo_bucket: 📦 A Scoop bucket, organize some commonly used and user-friendly apps, and enhance Scoop by script. 一个 Scoop bucket,整理一些常用的、使用体验不错的应用,并通过脚本增强 Scoop。 170 5 0 24‑10‑14
127. WinApps-share/WinApps-bucket: Scoop bucket 123 5 0 24‑10‑13
128. babo4d/scoop-xrtools: Scoop bucket for XR 67 5 0 24‑10‑13
129. Small-Ku/turbo-bucket: My own bucket. The word turbo from suggestion by GitHub 48 5 0 24‑10‑14
130. natecohen/scoop-av: 📹 A Scoop bucket dedicated to audio/video and other multimedia related software. 34 5 0 24‑10‑12
131. nitrictech/scoop-bucket: Scoop bucket for Nitric CLI binaries. 1 5 0 24‑10‑14
132. Ast3risk-ops/spotx-bucket: Scoop’s spotx, but it actually works, and preserves your settings on update. 1 5 0 24‑10‑08
133. brave-simpletons/scoop-the-business: Another bucket for scoop 102 4 3 24‑10‑14
134. WiiDatabase/scoop-bucket: NO LONGER ACTIVELY MAINTAINED 67 4 2 23‑12‑01
135. MarkMichaelis/ScoopBucket 28 4 2 24‑05‑09
136. smallstep/scoop-bucket: 🪣 Scoop bucket for Smallstep open source projects 2 4 2 24‑09‑13
137. Infisical/scoop-infisical 2 4 2 24‑09‑24
138. railwayapp/scoop-railway: Scoop bucket for Railway Windows CLI installation 1 4 2 24‑03‑29
139. KnotUntied/scoop-knotuntied: Personal Scoop bucket 90 4 1 24‑10‑14
140. Velgus/Scoop-Velgus: A Scoop bucket with a few applications 6 4 1 24‑09‑22
141. p8rdev/scoop-portableapps: a soop bucket for software hosted in 440 4 0 22‑07‑29
142. Brawl345/scoop-bucket: NO LONGER ACTIVELY MAINTAINED 60 4 0 24‑01‑12
143. FDUZS/spoon: A Scoop bucket for personal use. 42 4 0 23‑01‑27
144. nickbudi/scoop-bucket: Scoop bucket for apps, games, and other packages I use that aren’t found in the main or known buckets (yet). 37 4 0 23‑09‑08
145. windedge/ladle-bucket: A Scoop bucket for Scooper 33 4 0 24‑10‑14
146. younger-1/scoop-it: Some interesting and useful scoop apps 27 4 0 24‑10‑13
147. zeemanz/my-bucket: 📦 My own bucket for Scoop. 19 4 0 24‑10‑13
148. se35710/scoop-ibm: Scoop bucket for IBM WebSphere Liberty 14 4 0 21‑11‑25
149. syntacti/scoop-lsp: install lsp easily in Windows 7 4 0 24‑08‑16
150. Pengxn/xn: :package: A personal bucket for scoop. 7 4 0 23‑03‑04
151. alphagocc/lampyridae: My scoop bucket 3 4 0 24‑10‑06
152. planetscale/scoop-bucket: Scoop bucket for PlanetScale CLI binaries. 2 4 0 24‑10‑09
153. owenvoke/scoop-bucket: A custom bucket for Scoop. 20 3 3 24‑10‑10
154. he3-app/he3-scoop 1 3 3 23‑09‑14
155. raisercostin/raiser-scoop-bucket: My scoop installable scripts - 34 3 2 24‑09‑12
156. tree-s/vsbuildtools: Microsoft build tools 3 3 2 24‑10‑08
157. AntonOks/scoop-aoks: my (new and self-updating) scoop repo 205 3 1 24‑10‑14
158. bobo2334/scoop-bucket: Apps that are not included in official scoop buckets. 23 3 1 24‑10‑12
159. ba230t/scoop-bucket: My personal scoop bucket. 23 3 1 24‑10‑07
160. mbl-35/scoop-srsrns: scoop buckets 19 3 1 24‑07‑19
161. ddavness/scoop-roblox: Useful command-line utilities for Roblox Development 12 3 1 24‑10‑12
162. wsw0108/scoop-bucket: Scoop bucket, see 11 3 1 23‑03‑25
163. foosel/scoop-bucket: My personal scoop bucket 8 3 1 24‑09‑08
164. ghishadow/scoop-aarch64 5 3 1 24‑10‑14
165. carbonetes/jacked-bucket: Repository for Jacked Scoop Bucket 1 3 1 24‑09‑19
166. davidxuang/scoop-type: Scoop bucket for fonts. 91 3 0 24‑10‑14
167. xieguoking/my-scoop-bucket 56 3 0 23‑09‑16
168. JourneyOver/scoop-buckets: My personal scoop bucket. This is mainly made for myself, and may not conform to your ideals of installs and may include programs not really intended for scoop 53 3 0 24‑10‑14
169. Samiya321/scoop-samiya: 🍋Yet Another Personal Bucket for Scoop/Shovel 50 3 0 24‑01‑12
170. hymkor/scoop-bucket: Scoop bucket for hymkor’s and favorite softwares 49 3 0 24‑10‑08
171. athrunsun/scoop-bucket: Personal scoop bucket. 48 3 0 24‑01‑14
172. qwerty12/scoop-alts: Manifests for applications off the beaten path 41 3 0 24‑10‑14
173. joaoricarte/jr-bucket: Personal bucket with some unique apps 41 3 0 24‑10‑11
174. MetalDevOps/scoop-bucket: My personal scoop bucket 27 3 0 24‑10‑11
175. kltk/scoop-bucket 22 3 0 24‑06‑12
176. se35710/scoop-redhat: Scoop bucket for OKD, Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform clients and other Red Hat software 21 3 0 22‑11‑10
177. littleli/Scoop-AtariEmulators: The most complete collection of Atari computer and console emulators in a single scoop bucket 19 3 0 24‑08‑31
178. amreus/bucket: my scoop bucket 19 3 0 24‑05‑25
179. chatterzhao/Scoop-bucket-cn: Scoop-bucket-cn 11 3 0 22‑11‑26
180. nostorg/scoop-nostr: Scoop bucket for nostr 10 3 0 24‑10‑09
181. comp500/scoop-comp500: General Scoop bucket for programs I use 7 3 0 23‑08‑03
182. TonyZYT2000/scoop-Andromeda: A Scoop bucket containing softwares I like. 6 3 0 22‑01‑03
183. legion-labs/scoop-bucket: Legion Labs scoop bucket 6 3 0 23‑09‑23
184. ghishadow/scoop-shadow: my private scoop packages 4 3 0 24‑07‑11
185. aviscaerulea/scoop-bucket: optional my scoop bucket 4 3 0 24‑10‑11
186. DoveBoy/Scoop-Bucket: Personal Scoop Bucket (Rarely used apps only) 3 3 0 24‑10‑10
187. Nriver/Scoop-Nriver: Nriver’s scoop bucket 2 3 0 24‑05‑30
188. Altair47/xbucket: Just a scoop bucket 2 3 0 24‑01‑09
189. twitchdev/scoop-bucket 1 3 0 24‑07‑09
190. jbangdev/scoop-bucket: Bucket to use with containing jbang 1 3 0 24‑09‑27
191. intergrav/bucket: My personal scoop bucket that I maintain 1 3 0 24‑06‑07
192. amreus/scoopfz: fuzzy search your local scoop apps and descriptions 1 3 0 24‑06‑15
193. twilio/scoop-twilio-cli: Scoop bucket for official Twilio CLI 2 2 14 24‑10‑03
194. ACooper81/Scoop-SystemInstalls: Install software for all users. Remove Desktop shortcuts and disable auto update checks and downloads. 15 2 4 24‑09‑23
195. janet-lang/scoop: Scoop bucket for janet 1 2 3 21‑10‑14
196. auth0/scoop-auth0-cli 1 2 3 24‑10‑04
197. guitarrapc/scoop-bucket: A bucket for scoop. 16 2 2 24‑10‑09
198. dmeiners88/my-scoops: My personal scoop app manifests. See 7 2 2 23‑01‑28
199. replit/scoop-bucket: Scoop bucket for open-source. 1 2 2 21‑04‑09
200. pumbaEO/oscript-scoop 1 2 2 22‑01‑12
201. warexify/scoop-edk2-buildtools: Scoop bucket for installing edk2-buildtools 69 2 1 24‑10‑13
202. 404NetworkError/scoop-bucket: A personal bucket for 68 2 1 24‑10‑11
203. ppyv/scoop-jp-fonts: Scoop bucket for Japanese fonts 29 2 1 24‑10‑08
204. CALMorACT/hola_bucket: [Depreciated] move to 28 2 1 24‑01‑12
205. maboloshi/scoop-private: 💠Private Bucket for Scoop💠 19 2 1 24‑10‑13
206. modelfoxdotdev/scoop 1 2 1 22‑05‑16
207. isso-719/gaming-scoop: 🎮 “gaming-scoop” bucket for 1 2 1 23‑03‑15
208. tomcdj71/scoop-essential-apps: Scoop Bucket with only the essential apps 116 2 0 24‑10‑13
209. huangnauh/carrot: huangnauh’s personal scoop bucket 112 2 0 24‑10‑13
210. zzhaq/scoop-av: A Scoop Bucket. 66 2 0 23‑04‑07
211. gendloop/gendloopBucket: gendloop’s bucket 59 2 0 24‑09‑14
212. li-ruijie/scoop 47 2 0 24‑10‑14
213. issaclin32/scoop-bucket: Some useful packages for Scoop Installer ( 43 2 0 24‑10‑13
214. Strappazzon/scoop: 🪣 Personal scoop bucket 32 2 0 24‑10‑14
215. littleli/scoop-garage: Scoop bucket with experimental manifests. Broken by design. 31 2 0 24‑01‑12
216. caoli5288/scoop-bucket 31 2 0 24‑10‑14
217. ProfElements/EmulatorBucket: A bucket full of emulators 27 2 0 23‑09‑08
218. eamat-dot/scoop: my scoop bucket (Japanese) 27 2 0 24‑05‑20
219. Witchilich/scoop-witchilich: A Scoop bucket 24 2 0 24‑04‑26
220. unoun/scoop-bucket: My personal scoop bucket 23 2 0 24‑09‑01
221. jonisb/Misc-scoops: My bucket of misc apps 23 2 0 24‑10‑13
222. jcwillox/scoop-python: Scoop bucket for Python applications 16 2 0 24‑10‑11
223. fredjoseph/scoop-bucket: bucket for Scoop installer 16 2 0 24‑10‑09
224. rkolka/scoop-manifold: Scoop bucket for Manifold software 14 2 0 24‑07‑05
225. luke-beep/azrael-scoop: A repository featuring my personal applications, a bucket for scoop. 14 2 0 24‑05‑23
226. Vodes/Bucket 13 2 0 24‑10‑01
227. okibcn/Bucket: Home bucket of nano for Windows 10 2 0 24‑10‑14
228. BlueHeaven1969/rsp-scoop: My scoop bucket 9 2 0 23‑09‑08
229. rr0001/scoop-srv-bucket: Scoop bucket for installing server applications as Windows Services 7 2 0 24‑10‑08
230. Bobrokus/grain: Yet another Scoop Bucket 7 2 0 24‑10‑11
231. tree-s/unity3d: Unity3d editor 6 2 0 24‑10‑09
232. LazyGeniusMan/Scoop-Genshin: Scoop bucket for Genshin Impact related tools. 5 2 0 22‑12‑21
233. DessertArbiter/dessertarbiter-shovel: My new personal bucket for Scoop 5 2 0 23‑02‑22
234. heroku-miraheze/scoop-bucket: My own personal Scoop Bucket 4 2 0 24‑10‑14
235. GreatGodApollo/trough: The Brett Bender Scoop bucket 4 2 0 21‑04‑26
236. coatl-dev/scoop-coatl-dev: 🍨 Scoop bucket 3 2 0 24‑10‑09
237. tree-s/windowsSDK: Microsoft Windows SDK 2 2 0 23‑06‑20
238. tree-s/arc: A browser that doesn’t just meet your needs — it anticipates them. Clean and calm, Arc shapes itself to how you use the internet. 2 2 0 24‑10‑10
239. cOborski/chartreuse-triceratops: My personal scoop bucket 🦕 2 2 0 24‑02‑16
240. ayoisaiah/scoop-bucket: Scoop bucket for all my open source projects, powered by goreleaser. 2 2 0 24‑01‑09
241. tree-s/GBStudio: A quick and easy to use drag and drop retro game creator for your favourite handheld video game system. 1 2 0 24‑09‑16
242. tree-s/fraps: FRAPS - Real-time video capture & benchmarking 1 2 0 24‑08‑20
243. sirredbeard/determined-bucket: Scoop Bucket that provides up-to-date builds of the Determined AI CLI client for Windows. 1 2 0 24‑01‑11
244. phasehq/scoop-cli 1 2 0 24‑09‑14
245. nginxinc/scoop-bucket 1 2 0 24‑08‑09
246. hookdeck/scoop-hookdeck 1 2 0 24‑08‑20
247. ethersphere/scoop: Scoop repo for Ethersphere 1 2 0 24‑09‑12
248. dotenv-linter/scoop: 💻 Scoop manifest for dotenv-linter ⚡️ 1 2 0 22‑01‑24
249. Augiiz/my-scoops: mingw-w64 1 2 0 22‑11‑27
250. tinymce/scoop-bucket: Bucket of random packages for scoop package manager 71 1 3 23‑05‑10
251. raystack/scoop-bucket: This repository is home to the original scoop buckets for products throughout the Open DataOps platform ecosystem. 7 1 2 24‑10‑14
252. Kazanami/zeus-bucket: My Original Bucket 6 1 2 22‑09‑16
253. blacktop/scoop-bucket: Scoop bucket for ipsw binaries 3 1 2 24‑10‑07
254. mailchain/scoop-bucket: Scoop bucket for @mailchain binaries 1 1 2 22‑11‑23
255. tomcdj71/scoop-dev-apps 147 1 1 24‑10‑14
256. gsminek/dtm-scoop-bucket: Scoop bucket for DTM and speech synthesis softwares. 114 1 1 24‑09‑22
257. ImMakSpy/scoop-bucket-iammakspy: My personal scoop bucket 99 1 1 24‑10‑13
258. lewis-yeung/scoop-bucket: Just a Scoop bucket. 74 1 1 24‑10‑14
259. LstHeart/scoop-soft: 自用scoop软件备份 67 1 1 22‑04‑24
260. maokwen/scoop-bucket: Personal bucket for scoop. 56 1 1 24‑10‑13
261. jcwillox/scoop-bucket: My personal scoop bucket 34 1 1 24‑10‑03
262. mslxl/ScoopIt: My Bucket for Scoop Installer 32 1 1 24‑10‑14
263. AnotherFoxGuy/scoop-bucket 24 1 1 24‑10‑11
264. chenxiaohong/scoop-bucket: Scoop bucket 18 1 1 24‑10‑11
265. Mushus/scoop-bucket: scoop bucket vstプラグインだけで分けたほうが良さそうなのでリポジトリ移動するかも。 13 1 1 19‑04‑02
266. MarksonHon/repo: A Scoop bucket 8 1 1 23‑01‑28
267. 1nfdev/bucket: personal scoop bucket 7 1 1 23‑01‑28
268. wrokred/phpdev-scoop-bucket: Basic Scoop bucket to manage installs needed for modern php framework. 5 1 1 17‑05‑31
269. Bios-Marcel/scoopbucket: My scoop bucket 3 1 1 24‑06‑07
270. tree-s/mIRC: mIRC is a popular Internet Relay Chat client used by individuals and organizations to communicate, share, play and work with each other on IRC networks around the world. 1 1 1 24‑06‑18
271. rexlManu/scoop-bucket 1 1 1 23‑10‑11
272. DelineaXPM/scoop-bucket: 🥄 Scoop bucket for Delinea products such as DevOps Secrets Vault. 1 1 1 24‑05‑23
273. ptbwu/dango: 🍡 Dango - A tasty and inclusive bucket, providing various kinds of applications. 141 1 0 24‑10‑14
274. Jadeiin/scoop 135 1 0 24‑10‑13
275. gdm257/scoop-257: 📦 A Scoop bucket which contains apps not in any public bucket 111 1 0 24‑10‑14
276. magicedy/scoop-bucket-m: bucket for Scoop 98 1 0 24‑10‑12
277. Donaldduck8/malware-analysis-bucket: A Scoop bucket for applications that I always include in my malware analysis workstations 84 1 0 24‑10‑13
278. Capella87/capella-bucket: My alternative Scoop bucket for outdated or omitted apps in major buckets and my apps. 77 1 0 24‑10‑12
279. LuoHuiRu/ScoopBucket 75 1 0 24‑10‑14
280. xkyii/scoop-xkyii: my own scoop bucket 62 1 0 24‑09‑06
281. Befod/Xeno: A scoop bucket 48 1 0 24‑10‑12
282. milnak/scoop-bucket: bucket for scoop. See 38 1 0 24‑10‑11
283. jat001/scoop-ox: 🐂 Yet another scoop bucket 🍧 36 1 0 24‑10‑12
284. naveed-patel/NScooP: Naveed’s scoops 35 1 0 24‑10‑13
285. ZephyrY7/zault: personal scoop bucket 33 1 0 24‑10‑13
286. amano41/scoop-bucket: Scoop bucket for my personal use. 27 1 0 24‑09‑17
287. tobyvin/scoop-tobyvin: My personal Scoop bucket 26 1 0 22‑08‑07
288. Locietta/sniffer: Personal Scoop bucket, include some useful tools 25 1 0 24‑10‑13
289. Milo123459/cone: Personal Scoop bucket 24 1 0 24‑10‑09
290. skellygore/scoop-bucket: Scoop bucket focusing on video game music ripping software I find useful. 22 1 0 24‑08‑30
291. yzlc/scoop: scoop bucket CN 21 1 0 24‑10‑11
292. mvrpl/windows-apps: Scoop manifests for install apps for Windows 20 1 0 24‑10‑13
293. ingenarel/ingenarel-scoop-bucket: aur -git package inspired scoop bucket 20 1 0 24‑10‑14
294. bodrick/scoop-bucket 20 1 0 24‑10‑14
295. tkit1994/scoop_bucket: My custom scoop bucket 18 1 0 24‑10‑11
296. niceEli/Pail: My Scoop Shims 17 1 0 24‑10‑11
297. phanirithvij/scop: personal scoop bucket 16 1 0 23‑03‑05
298. notPlancha/bucket: Scoop apps that I didn’t find anywhere. 16 1 0 24‑09‑30
299. Hayxi/Soap: 🧼 Personal bucket for Scoop 15 1 0 24‑10‑13
300. wiatrgr/dso-scoop-repo: Scoop repository 14 1 0 24‑10‑10
301. DavidBrockmeier/bucket: scoop bucket 13 1 0 21‑10‑25
302. plutotree/scoop-bucket: Personal bucket for scoop 12 1 0 24‑10‑14
303. LuckyNum/scoop: scoop bucket 12 1 0 24‑10‑02
304. jazzwang/scoop-bucket: A bucket for 11 1 0 24‑10‑01
305. DimiG/dgBucket: Scoop personal bucket 11 1 0 21‑06‑24
306. zaevi/scoop-bucket: personal scoop bucket 10 1 0 24‑10‑11
307. earnestma/scoop-earne: Personal scoop bucket 10 1 0 24‑08‑28
308. dorian-li/docket: 个人维护的Scoop仓库📦 10 1 0 24‑10‑12
309. pyspa/pyspa-bucket: pyspa scoop bucket 9 1 0 20‑06‑24
310. felixmaker/scoop-felixmaker: Felixmaker’s Scoop Buckets 9 1 0 24‑10‑06
311. Bennett-Yang/bencket: a small bucket for Scoop 9 1 0 22‑01‑10
312. JamesWoolfenden/scoop: Scoop bucket for DevSecOps tools 8 1 0 24‑10‑09
313. PorridgePi/scoop-bucket 7 1 0 21‑06‑11
314. lkhrs/eve-tools: A Scoop bucket of Windows tools for Eve Online 7 1 0 24‑10‑03
315. jovercao/scoop-bucket-jover: scoop bucket by jover 7 1 0 22‑04‑22
316. diklios5768/diklios-scoop-bucket: scoop bucket 7 1 0 23‑11‑07
317. TheAsuro/scoop-stuff: stuff 6 1 0 19‑09‑10
318. schollz/scoop-bucket 6 1 0 22‑03‑19
319. qyurila/scoop-bucket 6 1 0 24‑09‑14
320. patrick330602/pkscbk: Scoop buckets of mine - apps I use personally in scoop 6 1 0 19‑11‑11
321. noquierouser/nqu-scoop: My own Scoop bucket 6 1 0 24‑06‑19
322. ktos/scoop: My Scoop bucket 6 1 0 22‑03‑20
323. icedream/scoop-bucket: Scoop packages maintained by me. 6 1 0 20‑05‑18
324. arrow2nd/scoop-bucket: 🪣 6 1 0 24‑09‑29
325. tony-sung/ScoopPersonalBucket 5 1 0 24‑10‑12
326. pigsflew/scoop-arbitrariae: This is a scoop bucket for things I use which are not currently in other buckets. Pull requests happily accepted. 5 1 0 23‑09‑08
327. pcrama/scoop-buckets: Bucket of extra software to install using scoop 5 1 0 21‑12‑02
328. inertia42/chamber: Personal Scoop bucket. 5 1 0 24‑10‑12
329. schmitzCatz/awesome-scoop-bucket: Additional Scoop Applications 4 1 0 24‑06‑26
330. pasoevi/more-scoops: Scoops from this bucket eventually get merged to scoop-games or other more widely used buckets. 4 1 0 22‑05‑10
331. oduboevi/scoop-bucket: Personal scoop bucket 4 1 0 21‑06‑24
332. xfournet/scoop-sboot: A Scoop bucket for sboot 3 1 0 22‑03‑10
333. prantlf/scoop-bucket: Scoop buckets with saz-tools and others 3 1 0 21‑05‑07
334. ns0m/scoop-bucket: ns0m Bucket for Scoop Installer 3 1 0 23‑02‑25
335. j178/scoop-bucket: Scoop bucket for my little tools 3 1 0 24‑09‑05
336. iamsilvio/scoop-bucket-deleteonerror: Personal scoop Bucket 3 1 0 23‑03‑05
337. erayaydin/bucket: Windows Apps packaged for the scoop. 3 1 0 24‑05‑14
338. cwichel/scoop: Yet another scoop bucket 3 1 0 24‑09‑06
339. upyun/carrot: UPYUN scoop packages 2 1 0 24‑09‑03
340. thesixonenine/thesixonenine-scoop-bucket: My Personal Scoop Bucket 2 1 0 23‑08‑26
341. Skyppex/sky-bucket 2 1 0 24‑02‑08
342. mhatta/scoop-bucket 2 1 0 24‑08‑15
343. mdpadberg/scoop-bucket: bucket for scoop ( 2 1 0 24‑09‑16
344. dlozynski/scoop-bucket 2 1 0 24‑08‑24
345. b1017034/scoop-bucket 2 1 0 23‑08‑16
346. tree-s/shiftcrypto: Keeping your crypto secure doesn’t have to be hard. 1 1 0 24‑04‑22
347. thushan/scoop-devtools: Scoop repository that contains developer tools that may not fit the main scoop buckets. 1 1 0 23‑07‑01
348. terraform-docs/scoop-bucket: Scoop package manager for terraform-docs 1 1 0 24‑09‑18
349. SunsetMkt/scoop-aliceincradle: Unofficial Scoop Bucket for Alice In Cradle 1 1 0 24‑09‑18
350. shimman-dev/scoop-bucket: shimman-dev scoop bucket 1 1 0 23‑06‑13
351. quawy/stash-bucket 1 1 0 22‑01‑16
352. protron/scoop-bucket: My personal bucket for Scoop Installer 1 1 0 24‑10‑04
353. Ovyerus/bucket: Scoop bucket for my various CLI utilities 1 1 0 24‑09‑07
354. meenzen/scoop: Personal Scoop bucket of @meenzen containing miscellaneous app manifests. 1 1 0 22‑09‑12
355. kdash-rs/scoop-kdash: Scoop bucket for KDash 1 1 0 24‑08‑28
356. jerson/scoop-bucket 1 1 0 21‑11‑11
357. JalonWong/scoop-bucket 1 1 0 23‑04‑21
358. hupe1980/scan4log4shell-bucket: Scoop bucket for scan4log4shell 1 1 0 21‑12‑30
359. get-woke/scoop-bucket: Install woke on Windows with scoop 1 1 0 21‑11‑18
360. cidertool/scoop-bucket: Scoop bucket for Cider releases 1 1 0 21‑04‑25
361. caffeine-addictt/scoop-bucket: Caffeine for windows users too 1 1 0 24‑10‑11
362. stxpons/scoop-apps: A Scoop bucket. 134 0 6 22‑01‑11
363. alkuzad/scoop-bucket 8 0 3 24‑09‑23
364. wateroader/scoop-iszy: Scoop bucket for ZvonimirSun 20 0 2 21‑04‑25
365. DiXN/scoop 8 0 2 22‑01‑11
366. redis-developer/scoop: Scoop repository for Redis Developer organization 6 0 2 24‑04‑24
367. helbing/scoop-bucket: my custom bucket for scoop 2 0 2 20‑02‑26
368. XeroAPI/scoop-bucket 1 0 2 20‑09‑01
369. jbwfu/scoop-bucket 44 0 1 24‑10‑13
370. caokang/lotus-scoop: scoop app 37 0 1 21‑12‑07
371. kkkykin/Personal-Scoop-Bucket: Scoop Bucket 35 0 1 24‑10‑14
372. tac091/scoop-multi: “Multi” bucket for Scoop 34 0 1 24‑06‑01
373. janlindblom/scoops: Scoop bucket for stuff I use 30 0 1 24‑10‑08
374. xtrafish/fish-bucket: personal scoop bucket 21 0 1 23‑11‑30
375. Br1ght0ne/scoop-bucket: Scoop bucket for Rust, CLI, and other stuff 19 0 1 21‑09‑07
376. acdzh/zpt 13 0 1 23‑07‑25
377. toruuetani/scoop-bucket: Custom bucket for scoop( ). 8 0 1 22‑01‑08
378. trulsbekk/ScoopBucket 6 0 1 22‑07‑05
379. loustact/locket: 🪣 Personal Scoop Bucket 6 0 1 24‑10‑11
380. Cologler/cologler-scoop-bucket: a bucket that contains tools created by me 4 0 1 21‑11‑15
381. Absolucy/scoop-lucy: Lucy’s Scoop bucket (with BYOND and such) 4 0 1 24‑07‑23
382. kevinboss/maple: Bucket containing tools developed or loved by @kevinboss 3 0 1 24‑09‑05
383. leonidboykov/scoop-bucket: Scoop bucket for my projects’ binaries 2 0 1 20‑04‑14
384. varabyte/scoop-varabyte: Define Varabyte binaries for the Scoop package manager 1 0 1 24‑09‑12
385. Southclaws/scoops: Southclaws’ bucket - 1 0 1 23‑11‑24
386. portalbox-app/scoop-bucket: Scoop bucket for PortalBox 1 0 1 22‑04‑30
387. kopia/scoop-bucket: Scoop bucket for Kopia Windows releases 1 0 1 23‑03‑26
388. borkdude/scoop-bucket: borkdude’s scoop bucket 1 0 1 19‑06‑16
389. xpippi/scoop 452 0 0 23‑04‑16
390. hetingde/Meta: A scoop bucket 370 0 0 22‑10‑02
391. giflw/scoop-bucket 215 0 0 24‑10‑13
392. gsminek/retropc-scoop-bucket: Scoop bucket for Retro PCs 116 0 0 24‑06‑03
393. gregwen/grewen-scoop: Personal Scoop Bucket 90 0 0 24‑10‑11
394. ZhangTianrong/scoop-bucket: Personal scoop bucket 80 0 0 24‑09‑30
395. jqk/scoopbucket: Scoop bucket including apps that not in main/ash258 etc. 79 0 0 24‑10‑14
396. cesaryuan/scoop-cesar 71 0 0 24‑10‑14
397. Utdanningsdirektoratet/PAS-scoop-public: Scoop bucket for PAS-prosjektet 64 0 0 21‑12‑16
398. richardkng/ScoopBucket 62 0 0 24‑10‑13
399. Youxikong/selfscoop: My personal scoop bucket 60 0 0 24‑10‑14
400. elisimpson/scoop-bucket: Personal bucket for Scoop 58 0 0 24‑10‑09
401. beemdm/scoop-bucket: Another personal bucket so I could finally finish my damn setup script. 57 0 0 23‑07‑20
402. Gladtbam/Bucket: Scoop Bucket 51 0 0 24‑10‑12
403. zhihaofans/Milk: My Scoop bucket 47 0 0 24‑10‑13
404. gkwa/scoop-bucket 47 0 0 24‑10‑06
405. crisipa/scoopbucket: A scoop bucket . 45 0 0 24‑10‑11
406. wordpure/scoop-air: A very personalized bucket for Scoop. 41 0 0 24‑10‑12
407. MMKubicki/ScoopBucket: A personal scoop bucket 38 0 0 24‑10‑14
408. IsaacShoebottom/scoop-bucket: My scoop bucket 38 0 0 24‑10‑14
409. filip2cz/scoop-retro: scoop repository with old & retro programs with emulator included 37 0 0 24‑07‑31
410. gospahdu/scoop-bucket 34 0 0 24‑10‑13
411. MagicalDrizzle/scoop-personal: Mizuki’s personal bucket 32 0 0 24‑10‑14
412. kaleai/scoop-bucket: bucket for scoop 32 0 0 20‑09‑27
413. nicerloop/scoop-nicerloop: Personal bucket for Scoop 31 0 0 24‑10‑14
414. kazzarin/bucket: Personal scoop bucket 31 0 0 24‑10‑14
415. Maoyeedy/Scoop: Maoyeedy’s Scoop bucket 30 0 0 24‑10‑14
416. Jvcon/werkzeugeold: A personal scoop buckets 30 0 0 23‑03‑27
417. MTChaoyi/ScoopBucket: 个人 scoop bucket 收藏(部分应用仅使用特定版本,无自动更新) 29 0 0 24‑10‑14
418. BluYous/ScoopBucket: Bucket for Scoop Installer 29 0 0 24‑10‑14
419. cHolzberger/scoop-windows: Personal bucket for Scoop 27 0 0 21‑01‑20
420. bkmeneguello/scoop-bucket 27 0 0 24‑10‑13
421. yurical/scoop-mint 26 0 0 24‑10‑13
422. LucasOe/scoop-lucasoe: Personal Scoop bucket 26 0 0 24‑10‑14
423. rainte/scoop: Scoop 25 0 0 24‑10‑14
424. icecreamZeng/scoop-bucket: 个人 scoop-bucket 25 0 0 24‑10‑11
425. rodrigost23/scoop-bucket: Personal scoop bucket 24 0 0 24‑10‑14
426. ns-mkusper/scoop-bucket: for whenever I can’t find a working scoop package json 24 0 0 22‑08‑19
427. mapleafgo/scoop-bucket: 常用的一些软件 24 0 0 24‑10‑14
428. Harakku/harakkus-scoop-bucket: Bucket for scoop manifests. 23 0 0 21‑04‑18
429. CALMorACT/scoop_bucket: Use for scoop to store my useful apps 23 0 0 24‑10‑14
430. thegamerx1/scoop_bucket 22 0 0 24‑10‑13
431. Lutra-Fs/scoop-bucket: scoop bucket for personal use 22 0 0 24‑10‑14
432. ericzong/ericzone: My bucket for Scoop 22 0 0 24‑10‑10
433. Ciberbago/ciber-bucket: Personal scoop bucket 22 0 0 24‑10‑12
434. pfmoore/scoop-enk: Scoop Bucket 21 0 0 24‑10‑13
435. lyineee/scoop-bucket 21 0 0 24‑09‑28
436. yak1ex/scoop-bucket: Personal scoop bucket 19 0 0 24‑10‑10
437. thekips/scoop-bucket: Scoop bucket for myself. 19 0 0 24‑10‑03
438. sqliuchang/scoop-bucket: My private scoop bucket 19 0 0 24‑10‑04
439. Jvcon/werkzeuge: My personal scoop bucket 19 0 0 24‑08‑01
440. GunMoe/scoop-bucket: a private scoop bucket 19 0 0 24‑07‑14
441. artiga033/Armory: ⚒️A bucket for Scoop 19 0 0 24‑09‑08
442. bookiu/scoop-bucket: Another scoop bucket 18 0 0 22‑01‑10
443. Lweleth/scoopBucket: My own custom bucket for Scoop 17 0 0 24‑06‑12
444. xiaochengxc/scoop-bucket 16 0 0 24‑09‑02
445. test482/scoop-bucket: Some apps not in scoop official buckets 16 0 0 24‑10‑11
446. petlyh/scoop-bucket 16 0 0 24‑10‑14
447. kdpuvvadi/scoop-bucket 16 0 0 22‑12‑29
448. IV16SL/iv16sl-scoop: IV16SL’s Scoop Bucket 16 0 0 24‑10‑06
449. inetcp/scoop-bucket: 自用scoop bucket 16 0 0 22‑03‑27
450. cainiao1992/scoop-chenxf: Xiangfang Chen’s Scoop Buckets 16 0 0 21‑12‑07
451. pinebright/scoop-bucket: my personal scoop bucket 15 0 0 24‑10‑12
452. ous50/ous50-bucket: My scoop bucket 15 0 0 24‑10‑11
453. nanbowaner/scoop: scoop bucket 15 0 0 22‑07‑15
454. iainsgillis/isg-bucket: Personal bucket for scoop 15 0 0 22‑01‑07
455. AyoungDukie/personal_bucket: Personal Scoop Bucket 15 0 0 24‑09‑27
456. YukiIsait/YoukoScoopBucket: A Bucket for Scoop. 14 0 0 24‑10‑08
457. yefengwu/franket: Own scoop bucket 14 0 0 24‑05‑29
458. Spiraster/scoop-bucket: Personal scoop bucket 14 0 0 24‑09‑29
459. Siphalor/scoop-bucket: Personal scoop bucket for apps that are not available or broken on the other scoop buckets 14 0 0 24‑10‑07
460. BrokeThink/ScoopBucket 14 0 0 22‑09‑10
461. yuzumone/my-bucket: my scoop bucket 13 0 0 22‑03‑25
462. Syndim/scoop-bucket 13 0 0 24‑10‑10
463. sh4869221b/scoop-bucket: scoop bucket 13 0 0 24‑10‑08
464. mogeko/scoop-bucket: Mogeko’s bucket for scoop 13 0 0 21‑06‑04
465. ifvlaboratory/ScoopBucket-ifvlab: Nothing special but just some beta software 13 0 0 24‑10‑11
466. douglasamcintosh/dougbucket: My Scoop bucket. 13 0 0 22‑09‑09
467. zhangfeiran/mybucket: my scoop bucket 12 0 0 24‑10‑07
468. WenSimEHRP/OpenTTD-bucket: Manifests of OpenTTD related software 12 0 0 24‑10‑14
469. sliots/ScoopBucket: Bucket for Scoop Installer 12 0 0 24‑10‑08
470. rodicerep/scoop-personal: Personal bucket for scoop 12 0 0 20‑04‑13
471. qianlongzt/scoopApps 12 0 0 24‑10‑13
472. onsamyj/dipper: Small bucket for miscellaneous bits and bobs. 12 0 0 24‑09‑30
473. Nirose/node: Personal scoop bucket 12 0 0 24‑09‑25
474. myksmstk/scoop-myks-public: 勝手に scoop 化 bucket 。サクラエディタとか putty-ranvis とか D2D/DW putty とか、その他自分向け。 12 0 0 24‑05‑04
475. KO6FCH/scoop-ham: A Scoop bucket filled with ham, for (most of) your amateur radio needs. 12 0 0 24‑10‑14
476. Jeddunk/scoop-bucket: scoop bucket for misc software 12 0 0 22‑01‑09
477. GuanmingLu/ScoopBucket 12 0 0 24‑07‑15
478. glucas/scoop-bucket: My scoop bucket. 12 0 0 20‑08‑18
479. catusax/scoop-bucket: my scoop bucket 12 0 0 22‑01‑09
480. az17e/az17e-scoop: A personal scoop bucket. 12 0 0 24‑10‑12
481. 0b1000/bucket: 📦 Scoop 12 0 0 24‑10‑08
482. ycrack/scoop-ycrack: Scoop bucket for ycrack 11 0 0 24‑10‑12
483. uxiew/scoop-fruit: some app I need, scoop app. just it. 11 0 0 23‑07‑05
484. theseason5/scoop-bucket 11 0 0 22‑02‑17
485. stenic/scoop-bucket 11 0 0 21‑12‑20
486. SeaCanFly/scoop_bucket: Scoop Bucket by seacanfly 11 0 0 24‑10‑13
487. mvisonneau/scoops: Scoop bucket repository 11 0 0 24‑10‑01
488. ltguillaume/schep: 📦 Scoop bucket with custom(ized) manifests for increased portability, specific application flavors or otherwise missing applications 11 0 0 24‑10‑10
489. longthp/scoop-bucket: Personal Collection of Windows App Manifests for Scoop 11 0 0 24‑01‑12
490. kemokemo/scoop-bucket: kemokemo’s scoop-bucket 11 0 0 23‑02‑12
491. he0119/scoop-bucket 11 0 0 24‑10‑13
492. gigberg/localbucket 11 0 0 24‑09‑26
493. danielpauldd/scoop-bucket: my private scoop bucket 11 0 0 24‑10‑13
494. Cusox/scoop-bucket: personal scoop bucket 11 0 0 24‑10‑12
495. yi-Xu-0100/scoop-bucket: Personal Bucket for Scoop. 10 0 0 24‑09‑16
496. tar80/scoop-bucket: Personal Scoop Bucket 10 0 0 24‑10‑14
497. sriramjiyer/MyScoopBucket: My Personal Scoop Bucket 10 0 0 22‑02‑22
498. porti/scoop-bucket: my scoop bucket 10 0 0 24‑09‑24
499. muxirr/march7th: A Scoop Bucket 10 0 0 24‑10‑14
500. mattia72/scoop: Scoop bucket 10 0 0 24‑09‑30
501. Lomeli12/ScoopBucket: A bucket to install my programs using Scoop ( 10 0 0 22‑03‑10
502. keyansheng/my-bucket: Scoop bucket 10 0 0 23‑01‑27
503. JotmKKmkLTzE/Scoop-apps: personal scoop buckets 10 0 0 24‑10‑14
504. insomnimus/scoop-bucket: Insomnia’s scoop bucket. Mainly development tools. 10 0 0 24‑08‑31
505. ilolio/scoop-bucket 10 0 0 24‑10‑02
506. duaka/ScoopBucket: scoop bucket apply to clan 10 0 0 24‑09‑30
507. codecopy/ScoopBucket 10 0 0 24‑05‑27
508. YOU54F/scoop: Pact CLI tools available via Scoop 9 0 0 23‑05‑24
509. wilt00/scoop-bucket 9 0 0 24‑08‑19
510. vickunwu/scoop-bucket: Some useful tools for developers 9 0 0 24‑10‑07
511. urihcim/scoop-urihcim 9 0 0 24‑10‑13
512. Tremontaine/tre-bucket: A personal Scoop bucket 9 0 0 24‑10‑13
513. tleepa/scoop-bucket 9 0 0 24‑10‑13
514. shrlion/F-one: fomalhaut-bucket 9 0 0 24‑10‑02
515. shizuku723/scoop-bucket 9 0 0 24‑10‑10
516. rmaimen/scoop_bucket_rm: my scoop bucket 9 0 0 24‑09‑28
517. pynappo/scoop-bucket: My personal scoop bucket 9 0 0 24‑10‑03
518. Notenoughusernames/bluemoon: Is it vanilla?.. marshmallow? An original and personal bucket for the great glorious scoop 🍦 9 0 0 22‑09‑24
519. LasseJensen213/ScoopTest 9 0 0 21‑02‑05
520. j1g5awi/scoop-jigsaw: 🧩 Yet Another Personal Bucket for Scoop 9 0 0 24‑10‑04
521. fangchunxi1999/fcx19-bucket: A Scoop bucket 9 0 0 24‑09‑06
522. darkliquid/bucket: Utilities and tools I find useful but haven’t found in other buckets 9 0 0 24‑09‑14
523. chiaoshin/ScoopBucket: 一個字定義的Scoop Bucket APP,測試並裝一些原先Scoop套件上沒有的軟體。 9 0 0 24‑07‑27
524. assiless/scoop-bucket 9 0 0 24‑08‑30
525. YDX-2147483647/scoop-bucket: A personal scoop bucket. 8 0 0 24‑09‑22
526. Toshasun/IIIepcTb: Scoop bucket 8 0 0 24‑05‑17
527. tech189/tech189-bucket: My personal scoop bucket 8 0 0 24‑10‑07
528. rsteube/scoop-bucket: custom repository for scoop 8 0 0 24‑10‑03
529. robewald/scoop-bucket: My scoop bucket 8 0 0 21‑04‑23
530. muxinxy/scoop-bucket: My custom Scoop Bucket generated from ScoopInstaller/BucketTemplate. 8 0 0 24‑10‑11
531. LaurinSorgend/LaurinsStuff 8 0 0 24‑10‑09
532. kkwpsv/ScoopBucket 8 0 0 21‑12‑26
533. keith-xiong/my-bucket: my bucket for scoop 8 0 0 20‑10‑27
534. jonz94/scoop-personal: 📦 My personal Scoop bucket. 8 0 0 24‑10‑14
535. jihuayu/jscoop: 📦 The Scoop bucket for jihuayu. 8 0 0 24‑01‑17
536. Jenway/scoop: 🦆Yet another scoop community bucket 8 0 0 24‑08‑26
537. endowdly/endo-scoop: scoop bucket to install modules by endowdly 8 0 0 22‑02‑02
538. Deskehs/personalBucket: Personal Bucket 8 0 0 24‑09‑29
539. cscnk52/cetacea: My own scoop bucket 8 0 0 24‑10‑13
540. bbkane/scoop-bucket: Scoop Bucket for my CLI Apps 8 0 0 24‑10‑03
541. zizhengwu/scoop_bucket 7 0 0 24‑10‑03
542. waderchan/valor-bucket: My personal scoop bucket. 7 0 0 22‑01‑02
543. Vechro/ryence: 📦 An alternative Scoop bucket for various tools 7 0 0 21‑12‑29
544. TR-Yu/tryu-scoop-bucket: scoop bucket 7 0 0 24‑04‑30
545. studoot/my-scoop-bucket: Personal bucket for Scoop 7 0 0 22‑11‑24
546. stasjok/my-scoop-bucket: Personal bucket for scoop 7 0 0 24‑09‑20
547. sdfwds4/scoop-bucket: Your bucket for Scoop 7 0 0 20‑07‑31
548. quardbreak/scoop-bucket: A personal scoop bucket. 7 0 0 24‑10‑01
549. PhyX-Meow/ScoopBucket: Bucket for personal use. 7 0 0 24‑08‑13
550. Mutants-X/Bearman-Bucket: Customed Bucket for Scoop 7 0 0 23‑02‑08
551. kdevrou/scoop-bucket 7 0 0 24‑06‑26
552. Jojo4GH/scoop-JojoIV: Personal bucket for scoop 7 0 0 24‑09‑26
553. JesseRacine/myscoop: Scoop app bucket 7 0 0 24‑06‑16
554. ifeelagood/ifgbucket: bucket 7 0 0 24‑03‑07
555. hrshtst/scoop-bucket: :package: A Scoop bucket for my personal use 7 0 0 22‑02‑16
556. henshouse/henshouse-scoop: bucket with not only Henshouse software 7 0 0 24‑10‑12
557. gaojr/MyScoopBucket: scoop bucket 7 0 0 22‑01‑18
558. filippobuletto/pot-pourri: This is a mixture of dried, naturally fragrant app manifests. 7 0 0 23‑03‑08
559. Etsinshao/scoop-bucket 7 0 0 21‑12‑19
560. easternnl/ScoopEastern: Eastern’s Scoop Bucket 7 0 0 23‑11‑24
561. Duanyll/scoop-bucket 7 0 0 24‑09‑03
562. dmrasf/scoop-dmr: Scoop bucket for dmr 7 0 0 20‑12‑24
563. den-mentiei/scoop-bucket: The bucket for Scoop with apps, which are missing from the official buckets. 7 0 0 21‑12‑06
564. chengxuncc/Scoop: My Scoop bucket 7 0 0 24‑05‑14
565. brunnels/scoop-bucket: custom scoop bucket 7 0 0 19‑10‑26
566. arnos-stuff/arnos-scoop-bucket: My small scoop bucket :) 7 0 0 23‑02‑26
567. Anninzy/scoop-bucket: Scoop app manifests I wrote for things I come across. 7 0 0 24‑10‑01
568. absxsfriends/scoop-bucket: A scoop bucket containing little toys written by absx 7 0 0 24‑07‑20
569. zuisong/scoop-bucket 6 0 0 20‑02‑07
570. zhangchaoza/scoop-extensions-bucket: A extensions bucket for Scoop. 6 0 0 24‑10‑03
571. yuhaofe/scoop-drey: Personal scoop bucket. 6 0 0 20‑08‑17
572. yorktown-class/scoop-bucket: Personal scoop bucket 6 0 0 24‑07‑06
573. wallenweel/scoop-bucket 6 0 0 19‑11‑16
574. stuarthicks/scoop-bucket: Scoop manifests for little apps I’ve written myself. 6 0 0 24‑08‑09
575. scowalt/scoop-apps: My scoop bucket 6 0 0 24‑10‑04
576. qwjyh/scoop_bucket: my scoop bucket 6 0 0 24‑07‑16
577. Pagliacii/pagliacii-bucket: Personal Scoop Bucket 6 0 0 24‑10‑14
578. ofcoursenopewastaken/rbx-tools: A Scoop bucket containing Roblox-related development tools 6 0 0 24‑10‑07
579. MANICX100/scoop: Public scoop bucket of MANICX100. 6 0 0 23‑03‑27
580. majokko/scoop-bucket: personal scoop bucket 6 0 0 22‑04‑08
581. Logiase/scoop-embedded: a scoop bucket for embedded development 6 0 0 22‑05‑09
582. LengSword/scoop-yls: Personal bucket 6 0 0 22‑05‑11
583. ldez/scoop-bucket: Scoop bucket for binaries 6 0 0 24‑07‑08
584. Kyure-A/ksb: Kyure_A’s Scoop Bucket (KSB) 6 0 0 24‑02‑12
585. jtmg/ScoopDCS 6 0 0 19‑05‑07
586. hyrious/scoop-hyrious: Personal Scoop buckets. 6 0 0 24‑04‑15
587. hashdashme/ScoopBucket 6 0 0 24‑10‑08
588. goark/scoop-bucket: Scoop Bucket for goark binaries 6 0 0 24‑06‑02
589. gkantsidis/scoop-public-bucket: Scoop bucket 6 0 0 24‑06‑24
590. ghost64/scoop-apps: My personal scoop bucket 6 0 0 24‑10‑07
591. fujimitra/scoop-bucket 6 0 0 24‑10‑09
592. esureos/ScoopBucket 6 0 0 24‑10‑04
593. dem2k/scoop-bucket 6 0 0 23‑01‑13
594. dearrrfish/scoop-bucket: Personal use bucket for Scoop 6 0 0 23‑07‑18
595. ClaudiaHeart/scoop-bucket-claudiaheart: my scoop bucket 6 0 0 22‑10‑17
596. ChenXiangcheng1/cxc-scoop-bucket: My personal scoop bucket 6 0 0 24‑08‑22
597. CebolaBros64/scoop-bucket: Personal Scoop bucket 6 0 0 22‑06‑24
598. burgr033/burgrBucket 6 0 0 23‑06‑27
599. addixon/scoop: Private Scoop Bucket 6 0 0 24‑09‑27
600. xiaodaqiang-1024/scoop-buckets: scoop-buckets 5 0 0 23‑03‑27
601. WenSimEHRP/wenmisc-bucket: WenSim’s miscellaneous bucket 5 0 0 24‑08‑04
602. Watson-Bao/scoop_watson: scoop bucket for watson 5 0 0 24‑10‑10
603. syrinka/scoop: Scoop Bucket 5 0 0 24‑06‑04
604. subchen/scoop-bucket 5 0 0 24‑04‑27
605. Skrity/scoop-bucket 5 0 0 19‑04‑16
606. RRRainick/Scoop-Person: personal scoop bucket 5 0 0 24‑10‑13
607. rich1e/kit: This is Scoop Bucket. 5 0 0 24‑09‑11
608. printableinc/scoop: Scoop Bucket for PTI 5 0 0 22‑03‑03
609. pomberger/pom: scoop bucket 5 0 0 24‑10‑05
610. NekoPawClub/scoop-apps: 自用scoop-bucket 5 0 0 24‑09‑30
611. miln-eu/scoop-miln-eu: Install and update software with Scoop on Windows 5 0 0 22‑05‑22
612. Master-Hash/bucket: My scoop repo (for learning only) 5 0 0 22‑05‑16
613. levelhead/ScoopCustom: Personal Use 5 0 0 24‑06‑01
614. k-awata/scoop-bucket: My scoop bucket 5 0 0 22‑08‑23
615. JanydChang/bucket: A bucket of Scoop 5 0 0 20‑05‑06
616. HauKuen/endless: A scoop bucket for interesting things 5 0 0 24‑09‑30
617. h-takesg/h-takesg_bucket 5 0 0 24‑10‑07
618. h-hg/dragon: A personal scoop bucket 5 0 0 24‑10‑02
619. gpailler/scoop-apps 5 0 0 21‑12‑10
620. fyuzh/ScoopFyuzh 5 0 0 24‑10‑13
621. EscWasTaken/scoop-special: My own special scoop bucket 5 0 0 22‑07‑21
622. edgardmessias/scoop-pentaho: Scoop bucket for pentaho apps 5 0 0 20‑02‑03
623. Dumpinground/simulator-tools: addition of simulators and small tools to scoop-games bucket 5 0 0 23‑05‑12
624. Dumpinground/emulator-tools: addition of emulators and small tools for scoop-games bucket 5 0 0 24‑09‑29
625. brad-jones/scoop-bucket: App Manifests 5 0 0 22‑01‑25
626. asoluter/Scoop-Asoluter: Personal Scoop bucket 5 0 0 24‑10‑14
627. wenmin92/scoop-wenmin92: A little bucket for personal use 4 0 0 24‑10‑14
628. virasak/scoop-bucket 4 0 0 24‑10‑06
629. uuRRx0/apps: Scoop apps 4 0 0 24‑07‑09
630. twsnmp/scoop-bucket: Scoop Bucket for distributing software developed by TWSNMP 4 0 0 24‑10‑13
631. sohunjug/Bucket: Scoop Bucket Apps 4 0 0 24‑07‑20
632. SnowSquire/scoop 4 0 0 24‑10‑08
633. Shywim/scoop-bucket 4 0 0 21‑11‑03
634. SapphicMoe/bucket: 📦 Scoop bucket for Windows apps I use. 4 0 0 24‑10‑10
635. robinovitch61/scoop-bucket 4 0 0 24‑09‑28
636. quantulr/scoop-bucket 4 0 0 24‑10‑10
637. obay/scoop-bucket 4 0 0 24‑07‑03
638. nyable/mirai-bucket: Custom scoop bucket 4 0 0 22‑05‑14
639. nazo6/scoop-bucket: Scoop bucket for me. 4 0 0 24‑10‑10
640. mike-macmullin/vm-bucket: Virtual Marine scoop bucket 4 0 0 22‑01‑26
641. MaddieMewmews/Bridget: Scoop bucket :3 4 0 0 24‑07‑08
642. lzimd/lzimd-scoop-bucket: lzimd’s scoop bucket 4 0 0 21‑07‑05
643. lwb-2021/ScoopBucket 4 0 0 24‑10‑09
644. KhoiCanDev/scoop-vietnamese-softwares-bucket: Directory of Vietnamese softwares for scoop 4 0 0 23‑08‑26
645. jku1995/Jbucket: a buckets to collection some application for scoop 4 0 0 20‑04‑22
646. jamesravi/scoopbucket: My personal Scoop bucket 4 0 0 24‑09‑07
647. isanych/scoop: Scoop bucket 4 0 0 23‑11‑29
648. ilhamepri/uni-verse: scoop bucket 4 0 0 20‑07‑31
649. hurr1k4ne/scoop_bucket: my scoop apps 4 0 0 23‑08‑30
650. hanabi-bro/bucket4nw: Scoop Bucket for Networker 4 0 0 22‑03‑08
651. FrostyNick/scoop-bucket 4 0 0 24‑05‑09
652. egelja/scoop-bucket: Personal scoop bucket 4 0 0 23‑01‑31
653. edavidaja/scoop-bucket 4 0 0 23‑06‑11
654. DenisionSoft/scoop-box: My little scoop bucket 4 0 0 24‑08‑17
655. bfcns/scoop: bfcns scoop bucket 4 0 0 24‑02‑06
656. b-palaniappan/scoop-bala: My own scoop bucket 4 0 0 22‑01‑07
657. Animesh-Ghosh/kulfi-scoop: Scoop Bucket for cool stuff I find. 4 0 0 24‑06‑11
658. alanlima/scoop-apps: Bucket for scoop apps 4 0 0 22‑06‑05
659. aklinovitskiy/scoop-bucket: Personal bucket for Scoop 4 0 0 24‑08‑23
660. Zalk0/ZalkosBucket: Personal bucket to not add too many buckets 3 0 0 24‑10‑08
661. Yankees4life/scoop-bucket: My personal scoop bucket for stuff I usually use 3 0 0 24‑10‑07
662. wumo/bucket 3 0 0 20‑09‑18
663. vvirtues/bucket: self made buckets 3 0 0 24‑09‑25
664. TianQian-A/scoop-ai: Scoop Bucket 3 0 0 24‑06‑26
665. thesobercoder/scoop: Personal Scoop bucket. 3 0 0 23‑06‑28
666. sssir/scoop-bucket 3 0 0 22‑09‑14
667. sotvokun/basket: a scoop bucket 3 0 0 24‑05‑04
668. sonyxu/sonyxubucket: scoop Bucket 3 0 0 22‑01‑02
669. sikalabs/scoop-bucket 3 0 0 24‑10‑13
670. ShenMian/bucket: A scoop bucket. 3 0 0 24‑07‑06
671. Sectly/scoop-bucket: A bucket for 3 0 0 24‑05‑17
672. sebagomez/scoopbucket 3 0 0 23‑11‑09
673. SamTherapy/scoop: My personal scoop repository :) 3 0 0 24‑08‑03
674. sambeckingham/dhall: Scoop bucket for Dhall binaries 3 0 0 21‑09‑21
675. ronhuang/scoop-bucket: My own Scoop bucket 3 0 0 24‑05‑29
676. RavenMacDaddy/scoop-apps: Scoop apps 3 0 0 22‑01‑10
677. rajasoun/dev-box-bucket: Scoop Dev Box Bucket 3 0 0 20‑02‑16
678. POPCORNrules/scoop-bucket 3 0 0 24‑09‑25
679. pgollangi/scoop-bucket: scoop bucket of pgollangi tools 3 0 0 22‑12‑30
680. omerakgoz34/scoop-bucket: A Scoop bucket for my own projects which are not in the official repos 3 0 0 22‑03‑24
681. NSP-0123456/nspp-TC-scoop: scoop bucket for TC 3 0 0 22‑06‑23
682. niklaskorz/scoop-bucket: Scoop bucket for various things not found in the main or extra bucket 3 0 0 19‑06‑18
683. ncruces/scoop: My scoop bucket 3 0 0 24‑09‑04
684. nais/scoop-bucket: A bucket for scoop ( 3 0 0 24‑10‑10
685. mvietri/scoop-hela: “Hela” bucket for Scoop 3 0 0 22‑01‑07
686. MrMikeandike/MAIScoopBucket: Personal scoop bucket. 3 0 0 20‑10‑20
687. mr-south-guo/my-scoop: My main scoop bucket 3 0 0 22‑02‑17
688. mouflon-jp/mouflon-scoop-bucket: Personal Bucket for Scoop 3 0 0 23‑09‑25
689. mikefarmer01/my-scoops: mikefarmer01’s Scoop bucket 3 0 0 22‑08‑13
690. mherwig/scoop-bucket 3 0 0 23‑01‑11
691. kjxbyz/scoop-bucket: Scoop Buckets 3 0 0 24‑10‑13
692. khose-ie/scoop-bucket: A Scoop bucket for self-using. 3 0 0 23‑12‑20
693. kha7iq/scoop-bucket: Scoop bucket for PingMe Windows 3 0 0 22‑07‑18
694. kaweezle/scoop-bucket: Scoop bucket for kaweezle Windows binaries 3 0 0 24‑06‑13
695. karthikvinayan/ascent: Personal scoop bucket 3 0 0 21‑11‑25
696. JManch/scoop-bucket 3 0 0 22‑06‑27
697. javanile/scoop-bucket 3 0 0 21‑04‑05
698. Inari-Whitebear/scoopBucket 3 0 0 20‑01‑07
699. imor/scoop-bucket 3 0 0 23‑10‑24
700. hjjhjj/doraemon-bucket 3 0 0 22‑01‑22
701. h2ws/scoop-bucket: scoop-bucket for oyydd 3 0 0 20‑02‑11
702. f-cramer/scoop-bucket 3 0 0 23‑09‑13
703. eugenesvk/scoop-bucket: List of additional apps that can be installed by Scoop 3 0 0 16‑03‑10
704. enfantreble/scoop: My scoop 3 0 0 23‑03‑13
705. duaka/scoop-bucket-clan: scoop bucket for clan 3 0 0 23‑11‑08
706. daekma/scoop-bucket: Scoop Bucket 3 0 0 22‑09‑11
707. Cooperter/scoop-bucket 3 0 0 24‑09‑30
708. ChrisFAN1215/scoop-bucket: My Bucket for Scoop Installer 3 0 0 24‑09‑26
709. brendanburkhart/scoop-bucket: Custom Scoop bucket 3 0 0 19‑11‑13
710. ArmoryNode/PersonalScoopBucket: Contains various tools and scripts that I use that aren’t available in any existing Scoop buckets 3 0 0 24‑09‑25
711. amorphobia/ScoopSources: 📦 The Sources bucket for Scoop 3 0 0 24‑08‑14
712. AmirulAndalib/scoop-apps: Yet hidden another scoop personal scoop bucket 3 0 0 23‑05‑05
713. Alveel/scoop-bucket: Scoop bucket for various apps I guess 3 0 0 22‑03‑07
714. 1nkwell/inkwell: a scoop bucket 3 0 0 24‑10‑14
715. 129duckflew/ScoopFlush 3 0 0 24‑07‑30
716. ZhWn/ScoopBucket 2 0 0 24‑08‑24
717. zhonghes/MyBucket: my scoop bucket 2 0 0 24‑05‑05
718. yukihane/scoop-bucket-yukihane: 自家製scoop bucket 2 0 0 18‑11‑27
719. yoshiokun/scoop_bucket 2 0 0 23‑08‑15
720. yogurit/scoop-bucket: A tiny bucket for personal use. 2 0 0 22‑11‑13
721. xyz1001/scoop-bucket: my scoop bucket 2 0 0 22‑08‑24
722. xamexpumpinshottie/scoop-bucket 2 0 0 24‑03‑01
723. woa7dklb/scoop-bucket: my scoop-bucket 2 0 0 21‑02‑22
724. wale/scoop-bucket: Personal bucket. 2 0 0 24‑07‑22
725. vsviridov/scoop-bucket: Personal bucket 2 0 0 20‑12‑29
726. vladhietala/vlad-scoop-bucket 2 0 0 24‑09‑18
727. VinDeville/ScoopBucket: A personal scoop bucket 2 0 0 22‑06‑09
728. Villadelfia/pandora: Pandora’s Scoop Bucket 2 0 0 24‑02‑09
729. transnull/scoop-bucket: 这是一个scoop的bucket 2 0 0 23‑09‑26
730. the-qa-company/scoop-bucket: 📦 Scoop bucket for The QA Company softwares 2 0 0 24‑10‑11
731. terrehbyte/scoop-bucket: A personal scoop bucket for @terrehbyte. 2 0 0 20‑06‑10
732. t-mart/bucket 2 0 0 24‑07‑04
733. SuperTreasure/ScoopBucket 2 0 0 24‑10‑03
734. sudomabider/scoop: My own scoop bucket 2 0 0 22‑02‑02
735. straicat/scoop-bucket 2 0 0 21‑10‑06
736. sst/scoop-bucket 2 0 0 23‑12‑15
737. ssb-junkyard/scoop-bucket: A bucket for scoop package manager with app manifests for SSB clients. 2 0 0 22‑05‑16
738. soredake/scoop-bucket 2 0 0 24‑09‑09
739. sonofjon/scoop-bucket: My scoop bucket 2 0 0 22‑05‑15
740. smarthut/scoop-bucket: Scoop bucket for @smarthut binaries 2 0 0 22‑07‑10
741. sjarbs/bucket: 📦 Bucket for Scoop Installer 2 0 0 24‑03‑22
742. SirRobbe/scoop-sirrobbe: My personal scoop bucket 2 0 0 23‑09‑21
743. Sirius708/Scoop-Sirius708: Personal scoop bucket. 2 0 0 22‑04‑02
744. silverkorn/scoop-bucket: Personal scoop bucket 2 0 0 22‑05‑06
745. siketyan/scoop-bucket: 🪣 Third-party Scoop Bucket for installing my applications. 2 0 0 24‑07‑07
746. ShadowCreator250/sc250-scoop-bucket: My personal scoop bucket. 2 0 0 22‑05‑02
747. s-oram/bento: 🍱 A delicious Scoop bucket. 2 0 0 21‑03‑09
748. roose/scoop-tools: scoop-tools scoop bucket 2 0 0 20‑10‑27
749. rocketblend/scoop-bucket: Scoop bucket for RocketBlend related tools 2 0 0 24‑10‑11
750. rinetd/scoop-bucket 2 0 0 21‑01‑14
751. rfnash/scoop: Bucket for Scoop Installer 2 0 0 24‑08‑01
752. Rbqwow/scoop-bucket 2 0 0 24‑05‑08
753. purpleclay/scoop-bucket: A catalog of Scoop manifests for installing Purple Clay packages 2 0 0 22‑06‑28
754. profclems/scoop-bucket: This repository serves as a scoop bucket for my scoop packages 2 0 0 21‑06‑11
755. podhmo/scoop-buckets: individual scoop’s buckets 2 0 0 21‑07‑02
756. parallel-domain/scoop-pd-bucket: Scoop Bucket 2 0 0 21‑11‑16
757. Orphoros/scoop-bucket: Scoop bucket repository for Windows apps 2 0 0 24‑09‑12
758. Nugget2269/scoop-apps 2 0 0 24‑10‑12
759. nimzo6689/Scoop-nimzo6689: Personal scoop bucket 2 0 0 21‑05‑05
760. nikhil-vankadia/scoop-bucket 2 0 0 24‑07‑26
761. negative-authentication/NegativeAuthBucket: Scoop 2 0 0 24‑10‑08
762. Mustafif/mufi-bucket: Scoop Bucket for my applications 2 0 0 24‑07‑07
763. MrXcitement/ScoopBucket: MrXcitement’s Scoop Bucket 2 0 0 24‑05‑15
764. misumisumi/scoop-bucket: Self scoop-bucket repositry 2 0 0 23‑09‑13
765. metta-systems/scoop-for-ci: Scoop manifests for use in CI/CD 2 0 0 23‑07‑29
766. Madh93/scoop-bucket: 🍨 My Scoop Bucket 2 0 0 23‑07‑18
767. lexisother/bukkit: My Scoop bucket 2 0 0 22‑01‑04
768. lemonmash/lemon-bucket: Scoop manifests 2 0 0 24‑05‑25
769. latestgo/scoop-bucket: Personal scoop bucket repository 2 0 0 21‑04‑07
770. kurame-yotsuba/scoop-kurame: Scoopのbucket 2 0 0 22‑01‑31
771. kockicica/scoop-bucket: Scoop bucket 2 0 0 24‑10‑13
772. kimotu4632uz/kimotuBucket: my scoop bucket 2 0 0 23‑04‑10
773. kergoth/scoop-bucket: Personal scoop bucket 2 0 0 24‑01‑08
774. keinoki/scoop-keyiyin: My personal scoop bucket 2 0 0 24‑09‑24
775. JunDecNo/JunScoop: share scoop bucket 2 0 0 24‑02‑29
776. JeWeizhong/mybucket: scoop bucket for myself 2 0 0 21‑03‑20
777. JaxWang28/corgi: Scoop Bucket. 2 0 0 24‑05‑05
778. inmare/scoop-bucket: Personal scoop bucket 2 0 0 24‑09‑05
779. hughwilliams94/MyScoops: Personal Scoops 2 0 0 24‑09‑20
780. herouu/scoop_bucket 2 0 0 24‑08‑12
781. gwimm/scoop_bucket: uhh, my scoop bucket 2 0 0 20‑09‑11
782. gkbbuter/scoop-bucket: scoop桶 2 0 0 23‑09‑20
783. gfieldGG/bucket: personal scoop bucket 2 0 0 22‑06‑20
784. garyng/scoop-garyng: Personal scoop bucket 2 0 0 20‑11‑25
785. forgetone1/scoopstore: scoop restore 2 0 0 20‑01‑05
786. f-lawe/scoop-bucket: Some usefull extra apps for Scoop 2 0 0 24‑10‑14
787. elliot40404/elliot: personal scoop bucket for elliot40404 2 0 0 24‑01‑22
788. Dumpinground/openra-mods: mods of openra 2 0 0 24‑07‑16
789. Dumpinground/expert-eureka: A scoop bucket, software collection myself. 2 0 0 24‑07‑11
790. Duckle29/duckles_bucket: My scoop bucket for scoop things 2 0 0 22‑01‑11
791. dohr-michael/scoop-bucket 2 0 0 20‑02‑19
792. Desdaemon/scoop-repo: Personal Scoop bucket repository 2 0 0 24‑10‑09
793. deliciousgohan/gohan-bucket: my scoop bucket 2 0 0 21‑12‑19
794. Daniele-rolli/Beaver-Bucket: 🍦 The official Scoop Bucket for Beaver Notes 2 0 0 24‑09‑05
795. cuikangyi/scoop-bucket 2 0 0 21‑01‑27
796. colonel-blimp/scoop-tweego: Scoop bucket for Twine tools 2 0 0 23‑07‑09
797. ciffelia/ScoopBucket 2 0 0 23‑03‑14
798. chrislowles/bucket: Scoop Bucket repository for apps I use. 2 0 0 24‑10‑01
799. chimez/chimez-bucket: chimez’s scoop bucket 2 0 0 20‑08‑14
800. cdyhelp/scoop-bucket: bucket for scoop 2 0 0 19‑08‑14
801. cannibalChipper/scoop-bucket 2 0 0 23‑06‑24
802. book000/scoop-bucket: Scoop bucket for myself 2 0 0 23‑10‑17
803. blemli/blemli-bucket: scoop scoop scoopedidoop 2 0 0 23‑04‑28
804. bgsulz/bgsulz-Bucket: Robust maintenance NOT guaranteed! Mostly music and audio software. 2 0 0 24‑07‑14
805. back-lacking/personal-scoop 2 0 0 24‑09‑15
806. azh3ng/my-bucket: my scoop bucket 2 0 0 23‑07‑15
807. arcturegulus/scoop: a personal scoop bucket for small open-source (mostly) tools 2 0 0 23‑05‑18
808. antonburger/scoop-local: My scoop bucket 2 0 0 21‑10‑22
809. abhimanyu003/scoop-bucket 2 0 0 24‑10‑11
810. 3liFi/bucket: personal scoop bucket 2 0 0 24‑07‑05
811. ZxcSoft/scoop-bucket 1 0 0 24‑08‑12
812. zladovan/scoop-bucket: Scoop bucket for @zladovan binaries 1 0 0 20‑08‑03
813. zielhts/remote-hts-bucket: scoop bucket online 1 0 0 23‑04‑11
814. zhehaoli1999/GraphicsScoopBucket: Personal Scoop bucket for coding graphics applications on Windows. 1 0 0 24‑02‑11
815. zhangfeiran/my-bucket 1 0 0 22‑07‑25
816. zacowan/scoop-bucket: My personal bucket for scoop 1 0 0 24‑09‑07
817. xiongnemo/windows-binaries-scoop-bucket: Collections of Nemo’s binaries on Windows, installable using Scoop. 1 0 0 24‑03‑09
818. XBagon/scoop-bucket 1 0 0 23‑06‑13
819. xavidop/scoop-bucket: Scoop bucket for @xavidop binaries, powered by @xavidop 1 0 0 24‑10‑08
820. x-idian/scoop-bucket 1 0 0 24‑07‑29
821. WyvernIXTL/stupid-bucket: Scoop bucket for personal projects. 1 0 0 24‑10‑11
822. wio/wio-bucket: Scoop Bucket for Wio 1 0 0 19‑05‑29
823. wendigo/scoop-bucket: Scoop bucket 1 0 0 22‑06‑08
824. wanstarge/scoopx: A scoop bucket for no gui work 🎇 1 0 0 24‑10‑11
825. walnut9/fsb: Fine Scoop Bucket 1 0 0 24‑02‑29
826. vhtq18w/brsucket: Burgess scoop bucket 1 0 0 20‑02‑26
827. veilkev/veil-ionstall: IOBit Uninstaller - Premium 1 0 0 24‑05‑09
828. vantm/scoop-bucket 1 0 0 23‑09‑29
829. ultimateanu/homebrew-software: Homebrew tap to easily share my projects 1 0 0 24‑05‑26
830. Tyler887/winux-scoop: WINUX bucket for Scoop 1 0 0 22‑03‑18
831. TronicLabs/troniclabs-buckets: dev environment 1 0 0 23‑07‑13
832. tomozo6/scoop-bucket 1 0 0 23‑08‑02
833. tomoyan596/usukawa-taiyaki: bucket for Scoop. 1 0 0 21‑11‑30
834. thscott/scoop-bucket 1 0 0 21‑04‑01
835. thpham/scoop-bucket 1 0 0 20‑10‑15
836. ThePoultryMan/Coals-Bucket: A personal scoop bucket. 1 0 0 24‑06‑24
837. Th3Shadowbroker/scoop-bucket: Bucket for my apps 🪣 1 0 0 23‑08‑22
838. tezheng/scoopbucket: Bucket for Scoop 1 0 0 24‑09‑16
839. tenvdo/ScoopBucket 1 0 0 22‑01‑07
840. tejasraman/Konsole-Scoop 1 0 0 23‑11‑09
841. TechPro424/scoop-bucket 1 0 0 23‑06‑16
842. tclog/scoop-tclog: Scoop packaging for tclog 1 0 0 20‑07‑06
843. sysraccoon/scoop-bucket: My custom scoop bucket 1 0 0 24‑09‑02
844. sveltinio/scoop-sveltin: Scoop bucket to get easily install Sveltin CLI on Windows 1 0 0 22‑01‑09
845. stknohg/scoop-bucket: My Scoop manifests. 1 0 0 24‑09‑03
846. Stephanvs/scoop-elevate: Starts a process elevated (“As Admininstrator”) 1 0 0 24‑01‑19
847. stalomeow/ScoopBucket: Personal bucket for Scoop, the Windows command-line installer. 1 0 0 24‑09‑12
848. soedirgo/scoop-bucket 1 0 0 21‑10‑06
849. skyvanfall/skyvanfall_bucket: scoop bucket 1 0 0 24‑09‑06
850. SKalt/scoop-git-cc: Scoop packaging files for skalt/git-cc 1 0 0 24‑06‑08
851. skabashnyuk/scoop-bucket 1 0 0 18‑09‑07
852. sigmoid712/scoop-bucket 1 0 0 23‑03‑08
853. Sigi3012/ScoopApps 1 0 0 24‑09‑06
854. shenker/scoop-bucket: Packages for Scoop. 1 0 0 20‑03‑13
855. Shemnei/scoop-bucket: A personal scoop bucket, mostly for my applications 1 0 0 22‑12‑22
856. se35710/scoop-bucket: Small bucket of tools not available elsewhere 1 0 0 23‑01‑07
857. SDshadow/my-bucket: for scoop private bucket 1 0 0 24‑08‑14
858. scm-manager/scoop-bucket: Scoop bucket for SCM-Manager 1 0 0 24‑08‑06
859. schrobak/scoop: Scoop personal bucket 1 0 0 20‑08‑26
860. Saw-mon-and-Natalie/scoop-crypto: ☀️ a juicy crypto Scoop bucket 1 0 0 21‑11‑10
861. sarub0b0/scoop-bucket 1 0 0 24‑07‑24
862. sambeckingham/earthly-scoop: Scoop bucket for Earthly 1 0 0 21‑09‑26
863. rpinolf/RPF-bucket: My personal scoop bucket 1 0 0 24‑08‑17
864. romanticmonster/bucket: Some scoop bucket for myself 1 0 0 22‑02‑19
865. roma-glushko/scoop-tango: Scoop bucket for Tango binaries 💃 1 0 0 22‑04‑23
866. riweston/scoop-bucket: Release repo for Scoop manifest 1 0 0 22‑06‑27
867. rdmcgregor/scoop-bucket: My Scoop Bucket 1 0 0 19‑05‑13
868. rakutentech/scoop-bucket: Bucket for Scoop Releases 1 0 0 24‑07‑15
869. r4-m9/scoop_buckets 1 0 0 24‑01‑02
870. QZLin/winscp-trans 1 0 0 24‑09‑22
871. pvarentsov/scoop-iola: 🔄 iola: Scoop app manifest. 1 0 0 22‑01‑10
872. pomdtr/scoop-bucket 1 0 0 23‑04‑16
873. PizzaKirby/scoop_bucket: personal scoop bucket 1 0 0 23‑10‑06
874. perivar/scoop-apps: Scoop Buckets 1 0 0 23‑07‑04
875. patpk2545/program-no-scoop: โปรแกรมที่ไม่มีใน scoop 1 0 0 24‑06‑29
876. pardahlman/scoop-bucket 1 0 0 21‑06‑10
877. palindrom615/scoop-bucket: scoop bucket add palindrom615 1 0 0 22‑07‑03
878. OrigamiKing/xxx: scoop bucket 1 0 0 19‑11‑20
879. ondrejsikademo/scoop-bucket 1 0 0 23‑05‑31
880. ondrejsika/scoop-bucket 1 0 0 22‑02‑15
881. nridwan/scoop-bucket: Personal scoop bucket 1 0 0 22‑01‑28
882. NoPlagiarism/noplag: Yet another scoop bucket 1 0 0 24‑05‑05
883. nonecoda/scoop-bucket 1 0 0 24‑05‑01
884. nikoksr/scoop-bucket: Scoop bucket for @proji binaries 1 0 0 20‑11‑18
885. mthmulders/scoop-mcs 1 0 0 24‑08‑09
886. mr-childers/scoop-bucket 1 0 0 21‑12‑19
887. ModerRAS/yasb: Yet another scoop bucket 1 0 0 23‑03‑02
888. mmccormick2211/personal: Personal Scoop Bucket 1 0 0 23‑01‑03
889. mine211/my-bucket: scoop bucket 1 0 0 20‑03‑26
890. MihaMarkic/scoop-bucket: Scoop bucket for my applications 1 0 0 24‑09‑15
891. micnncim/scoop-bucket: Scoop bucket for @micnncim packages 1 0 0 19‑04‑19
892. mfandcc/scoop-bucket 1 0 0 21‑12‑02
893. meatcar/scoop-bucket 1 0 0 24‑10‑14
894. mcornick/scoop-bucket: Mark’s Scoop bucket 1 0 0 24‑08‑17
895. mcico/scoop-bucket 1 0 0 20‑05‑21
896. mblocker/scoop-bucket 1 0 0 24‑07‑08
897. MaroBytes/ScoopBucket: Personal Bucket for Scoop Installer 1 0 0 23‑03‑09
898. markusatveter/my_bucket: Repository for scoop bucket 1 0 0 21‑04‑12
899. manikmagar/scoop-bucket: Scoop bucket for windows installers 1 0 0 22‑10‑10
900. madflow/scoop-bucket: scoop-bucket 1 0 0 23‑07‑09
901. maaldheefee/scoop-bucket 1 0 0 24‑10‑09
902. LKI/scoop-bucket: A scoop bucket. 1 0 0 20‑05‑21
903. livin2/ScoopApps 1 0 0 22‑04‑29
904. liuhongxuan23/scoop-bucket: custom scoop bucket 1 0 0 22‑01‑26
905. litp/my-scoop-bucket: Personal scoop bucket 1 0 0 20‑09‑29
906. lifansama/scoop_bucket 1 0 0 21‑04‑28
907. LetUsFlow/YASB: Yet Another Scoop Bucket 1 0 0 24‑07‑05
908. lawrencegripper/scoop-bucket: My scoop bucket 1 0 0 24‑10‑09
909. lasagnaphil/scoop: My personal Scoop bucket 1 0 0 22‑03‑27
910. konstellation-io/scoop-bucket: Konstellation’s Scoop bucket 1 0 0 23‑08‑29
911. knsugit/mybucket: my scoop bucket 1 0 0 21‑09‑11
912. Kiskadee-dev/bucket: Scoop bucket 1 0 0 20‑06‑06
913. KeySpot/scoop-bucket: Scoop Bucket for KeySpot applications 1 0 0 21‑09‑18
914. kenis1108/scoopbucket: my scoop bucket 1 0 0 24‑08‑27
915. jwt-rs/scoop-jwt-ui: Scoop bucket for JWT UI 1 0 0 24‑05‑23
916. juliomaranhao/scoop-bucket: My Scoop bucket. 1 0 0 24‑10‑05
917. john180/scoop-bucket 1 0 0 24‑10‑14
918. jimbrig/jimsbucket: Scoop/Shovel Package Bucket 1 0 0 21‑11‑03
919. itshayu/pandora: scoop bucket 1 0 0 22‑05‑24
920. ionos-cloud/scoop-bucket: Scoop bucket for IONOS releases, such as IonosCTL tool and more 1 0 0 24‑10‑14
921. hupe1980/zipbomb-bucket: Scoop bucket for zipbomb 1 0 0 22‑11‑23
922. hupe1980/notifier-bucket: Scoop bucket for notifier 1 0 0 21‑12‑23
923. hupe1980/gotoaws-bucket: Scoop bucket for gotoaws 1 0 0 21‑12‑11
924. hupe1980/fileserve-bucket: Scoop bucket for fileserve 1 0 0 21‑12‑05
925. hupe1980/fakedns-bucket: Scoop bucket for fakedns 1 0 0 22‑01‑10
926. hupe1980/awsrecon-bucket: Scoop bucket for awsrecon 1 0 0 22‑11‑02
927. hors-org/w-bucket: Personal scoop bucket 1 0 0 20‑10‑12
928. hilli/scoop-bucket: Packet descriptions for the Scoop package manager 1 0 0 24‑02‑22
929. hettysoft/scoop-bucket: Scoop bucket for Hetty. 1 0 0 23‑01‑15
930. heropoo/my-bucket: My scoop bucket 1 0 0 22‑11‑27
931. haydenbaker/scoop-bucket: A repository for hosting scoop-related resources and configurations 1 0 0 24‑02‑01
932. hayden-fr/scoop-bucket 1 0 0 24‑10‑13
933. hannesdorn/scoop-dorn: My scoop bucket 1 0 0 22‑03‑20
934. grrushy/scoop-bucket 1 0 0 22‑04‑07
935. gotidy/scoop-bucket 1 0 0 22‑01‑16
936. go2sun/scoop-bucket-2: scoop-bucket 1 0 0 23‑09‑07
937. go-cli-tool-workshop-2022/scoop-bucket 1 0 0 22‑06‑11
938. GNQG/scoop-bucket: A scoop bucket for some tools 1 0 0 22‑06‑06
939. GianPDev/scoop-bucket 1 0 0 21‑10‑05
940. getclipshift/bucket: A Scoop bucket for installing clipshift 1 0 0 23‑02‑28
941. gabrielrobert/scoop-bucket 1 0 0 18‑12‑19
942. furyzen/scoop-bucket: Personal scoop bucket for things i can’t find on public ones 1 0 0 24‑05‑17
943. FreezingHowl/scoop: scoop个人Bucket 1 0 0 24‑03‑04
944. fire/scoop-fire 1 0 0 20‑05‑09
945. fioepq9/scoop-aqua: A simple self-use bucket for scoop 1 0 0 22‑06‑18
946. fakedon/scoop: personal scoop bucket 1 0 0 22‑10‑29
947. fafarunner/scoop-bucket: Scoop bucket for FaFa Runner 1 0 0 24‑10‑04
948. evg4b/scoop-bucket: 🍨 The Personal bucket for Scoop. 1 0 0 24‑09‑22
949. elenakrittik/bucket: My personal Scoop bucket 1 0 0 24‑02‑23
950. EgonKlax/scoop-egonklax: Scoop repository 1 0 0 21‑11‑01
951. ef4203/scoop-bucket: My personal scoop bucket 1 0 0 24‑06‑25
952. ecsdeployer/scoop-bucket: Scoop bucket for @ecsdeployer binaries 1 0 0 23‑01‑17
953. DustinVenegas/scoop-bucket: Personal packages for the scoop package manager 1 0 0 22‑09‑06
954. Dumpinground/themes: a scoop bucket of themes 1 0 0 22‑01‑30
955. Dreista/scoop-bucket: Just another scoop bucket. 1 0 0 24‑08‑30
956. drannex42/scoop 1 0 0 24‑10‑06
957. Dolvem/scoop-bucket: Dovem’s scoop bucket 1 0 0 22‑08‑10
958. DodoGames7/scooper: My own scoop bucket for no reason. Don’t use this seriously. 1 0 0 24‑07‑04
959. devcsrj/scoop-bucket: Scoop bucket 1 0 0 19‑09‑13
960. derkoe/scoop-bucket: Scoop Bucket 1 0 0 22‑04‑02
961. DeezCashews/tilt-bucket: Bucket for scoop installs 1 0 0 18‑05‑17
962. darrikonn/scoop-bucket 1 0 0 20‑01‑08
963. daniel-scholz/my-bucket: scoop bucket from me 1 0 0 18‑06‑25
964. dahehua/scoop-bucket 1 0 0 24‑07‑23
965. cyf/scoop-bucket: Scoop bucket for cyf 1 0 0 24‑09‑30
966. cupppa/scoop-bucket 1 0 0 20‑06‑21
967. CrypticButter/ScoopBucket: The Cryptic Butter scoop bucket. 1 0 0 24‑05‑01
968. criticic/PersonalScoop: Personal Scoop Bucket 1 0 0 22‑02‑04
969. craigktreasure/my-scoop-bucket: Craig’s Scoop Bucket 1 0 0 24‑03‑07
970. coder-code-byte/scoop-bucket: scoop bucket collect 1 0 0 24‑01‑28
971. clayton-errington/scoop-cloudops: scoop bucket 1 0 0 24‑10‑04
972. celsiusnarhwal/kirigiri: My Scoop bucket 1 0 0 23‑09‑25
973. bryarrow/scoopBBdown: Scoop bucket for BBdown, a Bilibili video downloader. 1 0 0 23‑06‑04
974. bookstairs/scoop-bucket: A self maintain bucket for Windows scoop users. 1 0 0 24‑07‑08
975. bom-squad/scoop-bucket 1 0 0 23‑08‑01
976. bitmaelum/scoop: Scoop repository 1 0 0 21‑02‑19
977. BevalZ/mybucket: my scoop bucket 1 0 0 21‑12‑01
978. bettercallshao/scoop-bucket 1 0 0 24‑05‑23
979. bbond/scoop-bucket: Scoop Bucket 1 0 0 20‑07‑24
980. BadCodr/scoop-bucket 1 0 0 20‑04‑29
981. backd-io/scoop-bucket: Bucket for scoop application publish. 1 0 0 22‑01‑28
982. aymanbagabas/scoop-bucket: Scoop Bucket 1 0 0 22‑10‑13
983. automato-io/scoop-bucket: 🪣 The Official Automato Scoop Bucket 1 0 0 22‑11‑04
984. AsterNighT/scoop-bucket: Custom scoop bucket 1 0 0 24‑05‑14
985. ArnaudKunzi/ScoopPersonalBucket 1 0 0 24‑10‑07
986. ArkToria/scoop-bucket: (Mirror) A Scoop bucket for ArkToria. 1 0 0 21‑12‑12
987. apono-io/scoop-bucket 1 0 0 24‑09‑02
988. apecloud-inc/scoop-bucket: kbcli scoop bucket 1 0 0 24‑09‑30
989. anderlli0053/Staging: Staging/testing environment for different things, including app manifests! 1 0 0 23‑12‑31
990. AndASM/ScoopBucket 1 0 0 23‑11‑18
991. aliesbelik/astro: :stars: Scoop bucket made for amateur astronomy tools 1 0 0 24‑10‑08
992. Aldebaranoro/scoop-bucket: A Scoop Bucket of all my tools. 1 0 0 22‑08‑12
993. alchzh/scoop-bucket: Scoop bucket for my own purposes 1 0 0 21‑11‑17
994. aisair/scoop-bucket: manifests i couldn’t find elsewhere 1 0 0 24‑08‑07
995. Airr/scoop-bucket: Personal Bucket for Scoop 1 0 0 21‑02‑24
996. aeswibon/scoop-bucket: Personal list of Scoop Apps 1 0 0 24‑10‑10
997. aenthill/scoop-bucket: Scoop bucket for @aenthill binaries 1 0 0 18‑11‑22
998. adequatesoftware/scoop-workspace: Scoop Bucket for Workspace 1 0 0 24‑05‑15
999. adamrodger/scoop-bucket: Scoop ( bucket for my apps 1 0 0 22‑02‑20
1000. a4albers/scoop-bucket 1 0 0 23‑04‑15
Bucket▲ Apps▲ ★▲ ⑂▲ Updated▲  


📦 Scoop

Name Version Description License
eudic 2024-06-28 权威的英语词典软件,英语学习者必备的工具。 Freeware
font-loader-sub 7 OpenType font loader for subtitles (ASS/SSA). GPL-2.0
ja-netfilter 240701 [<em>Failed validating 'required' in schema:</em>]  
magpie 0.11.1 An all-purpose window upscaler for Windows 10/11. GPL-3.0 2.0.0 DW version of mpv.net_CM with customized playback interface, context menu, thumbnails, video filters and shaders. GPL-2.0
nat-type-tester 8.0.3 Test tool for testing Nat network type MIT
pot-desktop 3.0.5 A cross-platform software for text translation and recognition. GPL-3.0
revoke-msg-patcher 1.9 A hex editor for WeChat/QQ/TIM. GPL-3.0
serial-test 0.3.5 Data transceiver/realtime plotter/shortcut/file transceiver over serial port/Bluetooth/network. LGPL-3.0
steam-auto-crack Steam Game Automatic Cracker MIT
usb-tree-view 4.4.2 USB Device Tree Viewer is a lightweight utility that provides detailed technical information regarding all the USB devices you connected. Freeware
xenos 2.3.2 Windows dll injector, Based on Blackbone library. MIT


Name Version Description License
cfw 0.20.39 A Windows GUI based on Clash MIT
rms 1.0.0 RMS Java Program MIT
rsync 3.2.3-x64 [<em>Failed validating 'required' in schema:</em>] GPL3


personal scoop bucket

Name Version Description License
bonzomatic 2022-07-08 Live shader coding tool and Shader Showdown workhorse Unlicense
crinkler 2.3 Crinkler is an executable file compressor (or rather, a compressing linker) for Windows for compressing small demoscene executables. As of 2020, it is the most widely used tool for compressing 1k/4k/8k intros. Unknown
drmemory 2.5.19128 Memory Debugger for Windows, Linux, Mac, and Android LGPL-2.1
keybase latest [<em>Failed validating 'pattern' in schema[0]:</em>] BSD-3
rdts 2022-08-01-115 Radeon Developer Tool Suite [<em>Failed validating 'pattern' in schema[0]:</em>] Proprietary
shader-minifier 1.2 Minify and obfuscate GLSL or HLSL code Apache-2.0
tracy 0.8.2 C++ frame profiler BSD-3


a scoop bucket

Name Version Description License
game-save-manager 1.4.0 一个简单的游戏存档管理器 AGPL-3.0
goldendict-ng 24.09.0 A feature-rich dictionary lookup program GPL-3.0
steamcommunity-302 12.1.45 Reverse proxy tool to access Steam Community in mainland China. Freeware


personal scoop bucket

Name Version Description License
hashcheck 1.0 A powershell script to verify hashes.  
spin 6.5.1 [<em>Failed validating 'required' in schema:</em>] BSD-3


A personal bucket for

Name Version Description License
aegisub-arch feature_11 A cross-platform advanced subtitle editor BSD-3
atto-disk-benchmark 4.01.0f1 Disk Benchmark for Windows Freeware
auto-unlocker 2.0.1 A one-click Unlocker for VMWare Player and Workstation. GPL-3.0
bdinfo Collect video and audio technical specifications from Blu-ray movie discs LGPL-2.1
bdinfo-beta Collect video and audio technical specifications from Blu-ray movie discs LGPL-2.1
blender 4.2.2 3D creation suite GPL-3.0+
BrickLinkStudio-Portable 2.24.9_2 BrickLink Studio. Studio is a desktop application that allows users to build LEGO models using virtual parts. Unknown
chaptermaker 1.9.0 Create and edit video chapter files used in Matroska (MKV) files GPL-3.0
dcfldd 1.3.4 Enhanced version of GNU dd GPL-2.0
dlss-swapper A tool to swap DLSS dlls GPL-3.0
dlss-swapper-latest A tool to swap DLSS dlls GPL-3.0
dumpbin 14.40.33811 Microsoft COFF Binary File Dumper Freeware
dvd-decrypter Decrypt and copy DVDs to your hard disk Freeware
fixwin11 11.1 FixWin 11. the best PC Repair software to fix Windows 11/10 problems Freeware
flawless-widescreen 1.0.15 A tool for crafting fixes and patches to get games functioning correctly in UltraWide/Surround/Eyefinity gaming resolutions Freeware
fupx 3.2 An advanced graphical interface for the UPX (Ultimate Packer for eXecutables). Freeware
gerbv 2.10.0 Viewer for Gerber RS-274X files, Excellon drill files, and CSV pick-and-place files GPL-2.0+
gopherrenewed 0.991 App to turn a controller into a mouse and keyboard GPL-3.0
hash-suite-free 3.7 Test the security of password hashes Freeware
hdr10plus-tool 1.6.0 CLI utility to work with HDR10+ in HEVC files. MIT
imagemagick 7.1.1-39 Create, edit, compose, and convert 200+ bitmap image formats. ImageMagick
imagemagick-lean 7.1.1-39 Create, edit, compose, and convert 200+ bitmap images formats. ImageMagick
imdisktoolkit-np 20240210 This tool will let you mount image files of hard drive, cd-rom or floppy, and create one or several ramdisks with various parameters. WTFPL
inaudible 1.97 Remove Audible DRM, edit files, and convert files Freeware
infrarecorder 0.53 CD/DVD burning solution GPL-3.0
intro-detection-info 1.1.1 CLI tool to show information related to Plex's intro detection feature MIT
jiq 0.7.2 jid on jq - interactive JSON query tool using jq expressions MIT
john-the-ripper 1.9.0-jumbo-1 A password security auditing and recovery tool GPL-2.0+
leocad 23.03 CAD program for creating virtual LEGO(R) models GPL-2.0
libation 11.1.0 Audible audiobook manager GPL-3.0+
libation-nightly 11.4.1 Audible audiobook manager GPL-3.0+
libreoffice 24.8.2 Powerful and free office suite, a successor to OpenOffice(.org). MPL-2.0
link-shell-extension-np Creates Hardlinks, Junctions, Volume Mountpoints, and Symbolic Links as a Shell extension Freeware
litedbexplorer Graphical editor for LiteDB v4 databases MIT
mediainfo-dll 24.06 A convenient unified display of the most relevant technical and tag data for video and audio files. BSD-2
mediatab-np 1.4.1 MediaInfo integrated into Windows Explorer Freeware
microbenchx 1.0.4 Micro benchmarks CPU/GPU MIT
mozlz4 0.1.0 Decompress / compress mozlz4 files, with precompiled binaries for Windows and Linux MIT
mpc-video-renderer-np MPC Video Renderer is a free and open-source video renderer for DirectShow. GPL-3.0+
mullvadvpn-nightly-np 2024.6-beta2 The official desktop client for Mullvad VPN, a privacy-respecting VPN service. GPL-3.0
nvflash 5.821 Flash the graphics card BIOS on NVIDIA graphics cards Freeware
ondsel-es 2024.2.2.37240 A free and open-source multi-platform parametric 3D modeler. LGPL-2.1+
ondsel-es-weekly 38472 A free and open-source multi-platform parametric 3D modeler. LGPL-2.1+
pbzip2 1.1.12 Parallel implementation of bzip2 Freeware
phartools 2.1 PHP command-line tool to manage phar (PHP-Archive) files MIT
pipx 1.7.1 Install and run Python applications in isolated environments MIT
ps-sfta-nightly 22a32292e576afc976a1167d92b50741ef523066 Set file/protocol type association's default application in Windows 10/11 through PowerShell MIT
psmsi 3.3.4 Exposes Windows Installer functionality to PowerShell MIT
qbittorrent-enhanced qBittorrent BitTorrent client with anti-leech enhancements GPL-2.0
qrencode 4.1.1 Encode input data in a QR Code and save as a PNG image [<em>Failed validating 'type' in schema[1]['properties']['reverse']:</em>] Freeware
qtfiles 12.10.11 Use qaac without installing iTunes MPL-2.0
spek 0.8.5 Acoustic Spectrum Analyser GPL-3.0
spek-alternative Acoustic Spectrum Analyser GPL-3.0
sshfs-win-manager 1.3.1 GUI for SSHFS on Windows MIT
startup-timer 1.2 Measure how long it takes for Windows to fully boot Freeware
tsmuxer 2024-06-06 A transport stream muxer for remuxing/muxing elementary streams, EVO/VOB/MPG, MKV/MKA, MP4/MOV, TS, M2TS to TS to M2TS. Apache-2.0
usbtreeview 4.4.2 View USB devices in a tree-like structure Freeware
virtualenv 20.26.6 Virtual Python Environment builder MIT
vmware-macos-unlocker 4.2.7 macOS Unlocker for VMware Workstation 16/17 MIT
wigui 1.9.2 GUI to search, select and install Apps at once with Winget package manager behind MIT
windowsdesktop-runtime 8.0.10 Microsoft .NET Desktop Runtime latest MIT
windowsdesktop-runtime-lts 6.0.35 Microsoft .NET Desktop Runtime LTS (Long-term support) MIT
winobjex64 2.0.4 An advanced utility that lets you explore the Windows Object Manager namespace BSD-2
winsetview 2.99 Globally set File Explorer folder views MIT
winsetview-nightly 8f8b49efcf82049116397d23b43d893d8ec40bad Globally set File Explorer folder views MIT
xenu 1.3.8 Xenu's Link Sleuth checks Web sites for broken links Freeware
xenu-beta 1.3.9 Xenu's Link Sleuth checks Web sites for broken links Freeware
yumi Multisystem Bootable USB Creator GPL-2.0+


Personal scoop bucket. Support for chrome and ms edge.

Name Version Description License
apimonitor 2.0.13 Process traces with full API in and Out parameters. Freeware
gcc 12.2.0-6 GNU Compiler Collection (Mingw-w64 port from MSYS2 project) GPL-3.0+
googlechrome 109.0.5414.168 Fast, secure, and free web browser, built for the modern web. Freeware
googlechrome-beta 109.0.5414.168 Fast, secure, and free web browser, built for the modern web. Freeware
googlechrome-canary 109.0.5414.3 Fast, secure, and free web browser, built for the modern web. Freeware
googlechrome-dev 109.0.5414.168 Fast, secure, and free web browser, built for the modern web. Freeware
googlechrome-portable 109.0.5414.168 Fast, secure, and free web browser, built for the modern web. Freeware
matterbridge 1.26.0 Bridge between mattermost, IRC, gitter, xmpp, slack, discord, telegram, rocketchat, twitch, ssh-chat, zulip, whatsapp, keybase, matrix, microsoft teams, nextcloud, mumble, vk and more with REST API. [<em>Failed validating 'anyOf' in schema['properties']['hash']:</em>] Apache-2.0
matterircd 0.28.0 Connect to your mattermost or slack using your IRC-client of choice. [<em>Failed validating 'anyOf' in schema['properties']['hash']:</em>] MIT
msedge-beta 126.0.2592.13 Fast, secure, and free web browser, built for the modern web based Proprietary Software
msedge-canary 128.0.2610.0 Fast, secure, and free web browser, built for the modern web based Proprietary Software
msedge-dev 105.0.1300.0 Fast, secure, and free web browser, built for the modern web based Proprietary Software
msedge-stable 125.0.2535.67 Fast, secure, and free web browser, built for the modern web based Proprietary Software
nomachine-enterprise 7.10.2 NoMachine is a remote-control tool, available for multiple platforms. Proprietary
spystudio 2.9.2 SpyStudio shows and interprets calls (like strace for windows). Freeware


Name Version Description License
backup 0.8.0 Utility to automatically create backups with restic Unknown


📦 A Scoop bucket, organize some commonly used and user-friendly apps, and enhance Scoop by script. 一个 Scoop bucket,整理一些常用的、使用体验不错的应用,并通过脚本增强 Scoop。

Name Version Description License
123pan 123 云盘,一款云存储服务产品。A cloud storage service product. Unknown
1History 0.3.3 一款命令行工具,可将不同的浏览器历史记录备份到一个文件中,并将其可视化。A command line tool to backup your different browser histories into one file, and visualize them. GNU General Public License v3.0
7zip 24.08 具有高压缩比的多格式文件归档器。A multi-format file archiver with high compression ratios. GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
aardio 37.4.3 灵活而强大的动态语言。A flexible and powerful dynamic language. Freeware
AdsPower 6.9.24 一个指纹浏览器。A No anti-detection browser Shareware
AFFINE 0.17.3 下一代知识库,集规划、分类和创建于一体。隐私第一、开源、可定制、随时可用。A next-gen knowledge base that brings planning, sorting and creating all together. Privacy first, open-source, customizable and ready to use. Unknown
aliyunDrive 6.3.2 一款速度快、不打扰、够安全、易于分享的网盘,你可以在这里存储、管理和探索内容,尽情打造丰富的数字世界。A fast, non-intrusive, secure and easy-to-share personal netdisk where you can store, manage and explore things, and build a flourishing digital world. Unknown
Apifox 2.6.22 API 设计、开发、测试一体化协作平台。All-in-one collaboration platform for API documentation, API debugging, API Mock and API test automation. Freeware
AppFlowy 0.7.1 一个开源的 Notion 替代品。An open-source alternative to Notion. GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
AutoHotkey 2.0.18 适用于 Windows 的终极自动化脚本语言。The ultimate automation scripting language for Windows. GNU General Public License v2.0
BaiduNetdisk 7.44.6 百度网盘。Baidu Netdisk for windows. Unknown
BaiduTranslate 1.8.0 轻·快的多语种翻译工具。A fast and lightweight multilingual translation tool. Unknown
Bilibili 1.14.2 哔哩哔哩 Windows 客户端 Unknown
BitMeterOS 0.7.6 一个带命令行的网络监控工具。A networking monitoring with command line tool. GNU General Public License v3.0
Bruno 1.33.0 一个快速且 Git 友好的开源 API 客户端。A Fast and Git-Friendly OpenSource API client. MIT
Carnac 2.3.13 一个可以帮助您了解键盘使用方式的实用程序。A utility to give some insight into how you use your keyboard. Microsoft Public License
Chatbox 1.5.1 一个可使用 ChatGPT、Claude 和其他 LLM 的桌面客户端。A desktop client for ChatGPT, Claude and other LLMs. GNU General Public License v3.0
chfs 3.1 一个免费的http服务器文件共享工具,通过局域网实现文件传输。A free file sharing http server tool. Freeware
CLion 2024.2.2 由 JetBrains 开发的适用于 C 和 C++ 的跨平台集成开发环境。Cross-Platform IDE for C and C++ by JetBrains. Shareware
CloudMusic 网易旗下的音乐平台,同时也是业内领先的音乐社区。It's NetEase's music platform, and it's also the industry's leading music community. Unknown
coriander_player 1.1.0 Windows 端本地音乐播放器。Local music player for Windows. Unknown
Cursor 0.42 人工智能优先的代码编辑器。The AI-first Code Editor. Unknown
DataGrip 2024.2.2 由 JetBrains 提供的一款处理多种数据库的工具。A tool to handle with many databases by JetBrains. Shareware
DataSpell 2024.2.2 由 JetBrains 提供的一款工具,轻松地将数据转化为见解。A tool to turn data into insights with ease by JetBrains. Shareware
DevToys 开发人员的瑞士军刀。A Swiss Army knife for developers. MIT
Ditto 一个 Windows 剪贴板的扩展工具。An extension to the Windows Clipboard. GNU General Public License v3.0
Dnest 1.3.0 Windows 系统上的文件暂存工具,类似 MacOs 上的 Yoink。A file staging tool for Windows systems, similar to Yoink for MacOs. MIT
DouYin 4.7.0 抖音,一个短视频平台。 Unknown
DownKyi 1.6.1 一个B站(bilibili)视频下载工具。A bilibili video download tool. GNU General Public License v3.0 24.7.17 一款专业的绘图工具。Professional diagramming. Apache License 2.0
Dropit 8.5.1 一个可以自动管理文件的工具。Personal assistant to automatically manage your files. GNU General Public License
Escrcpy 1.24.2 使用图形化的 Scrcpy 显示和控制您的 Android 设备,由 Electron 驱动。Graphical Scrcpy to display and control Android, devices powered by Electron. Apache License 2.0
Everything 文件搜索工具,基于名称快速定位文件和文件夹。Locate files and folders by name instantly. Freeware
EverythingToolbar 1.3.4 由 Everything 提供支持的 Windows 任务栏的即时文件搜索集成。Instant file search integration for the Windows taskbar powered by Everything. MIT
FastGithub 2.1.4 github加速神器,解决github打不开、用户头像无法加载、releases无法上传下载、git-clone、git-pull、git-push失败等问题 MIT
FeiShu 7.27.8 字节跳动旗下先进企业写协作与管理平台,一站式无缝办公协作。Empowering teams by messenger, meetings, calendar, docs, and emails. It's all in one place. Unknown
Final2x 1.2.0 2^x图像超分辨率,一个开源的、强大的跨平台图像超分辨率工具。2^x Image Super-Resolution. BSD 3 “New” or “Revised” License
FishingFunds 8.3.0 基金,大盘,股票,虚拟货币状态栏显示小应用,基于 Electron 开发,数据源来自天天基金,蚂蚁基金,爱基金,腾讯证券等 GNU General Public License v3.0
Flow-Launcher 1.19.2 适用于 Windows 的快速文件搜索和应用程序启动器。Quick file searcher and app launcher with community-made plugins MIT
Fluent-Search 使用它,你可以搜索正在运行的应用程序、浏览器标签、应用程序内内容、文件等。With it, you can search for running apps, browser tabs, in-app content, files and more. Unknown
fnm 1.37.2 快速、简单的 Node.js 版本管理器,采用 Rust 内建。Fast and simple Node.js version manager, built in Rust. GNU General Public License v3.0
Fonger 1.2.0 方格音乐,一款音乐播放器 Unknown
Font-Hack 3.2.1 Hack 字体,Nerd Font 系列。Nerd Fonts patched 'Hack' Font family. MIT
FSViewer 7.8 FastStone Image Viewer 是一款快速、稳定、用户友好的图像浏览器、转换器和编辑器。FastStone Image Viewer is a fast, stable, user-friendly image browser, converter and editor. Unknown
GeekUninstaller 非常好用的免费卸载程序。The good free uninstaller. Unknown
GitExtensions 一个独立的 Git UI 工具去管理 Git 仓库。A standalone UI tool for managing git repositories. GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE
GoLand 2024.2.3 由 JetBrains 开发的 Go 语言的跨平台集成开发环境。Cross-Platform IDE for Golang by JetBrains. Shareware
Gopeed 1.6.0 一款支持所有平台的现代下载管理器。使用 Golang 和 Flutter 构建。A modern download manager that supports all platforms. Built with Golang and Flutter. GNU General Public License v3.0
HBuilderX 4.29.2024093009 DCloud 旗下的代码编辑器。A code editor by DCloud. Unknown
He3 2.0.20 一个免费、现代化的工具箱,为开发人员打造。A Free, Modern Toolbox, Built for Developers. Unknown
Helix 24.07 后现代文本编辑器。A post-modern modal text editor. Mozilla Public License 2.0
Heynote 1.8.0 为开发人员提供的专用便签本。A dedicated scratchpad for developers. MIT
hummingbird 5.3.0 一个图片压缩程序 (jpg/png/webp/svg/gif/css/js/html/mp4/mov),它可以转换不同格式的图片。A compression (jpg/png/webp/svg/gif/css/js/html/mp4/mov) App, it can convert different format pictures. MIT
Hydrogen-Music 0.5.0 仿明日方舟工业风音乐播放器,支持添加曲绘 MIT
Hyper 3.4.1 一个基于 Web 技术构建的终端。A terminal built on web technologies. MIT
Idea 2024.2.3 由 JetBrains 开发的适用于 Java 和 Kotlin 开发的 IDE。Cross-Platform IDE for Java and Kotlin by JetBrains. Shareware
IdeaCE 2024.2.3 社区版 - 由 JetBrains 开发的适用于 Java 和 Kotlin 开发的 IDE。Community Edition - Cross-Platform IDE for Java and Kotlin by JetBrains. Freeware
ImageGlass 一个轻量级的、多功能的图像查看器。A lightweight, versatile image viewer. GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE
InputTip 2.23.5 一个输入法状态(中文/英文/大写锁定)提示工具。An input method status (Chinese/English/CapsLock) tip tool. MIT
Insomnia 10.0.0 适用于 GraphQL、REST、WebSockets、SSE 和 gRPC 的开源跨平台 API 客户端。支持云存储、本地存储和 Git 存储。The open-source, cross-platform API client for GraphQL, REST, WebSockets, SSE and gRPC. With Cloud, Local and Git storage. Apache License 2.0
jan 0.5.6 ChatGPT 的开源替代品,可在计算机上百分百脱机运行。An open source alternative to ChatGPT that runs 100% offline on your computer. GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
Joplin 3.0.15 一个安全的记事和待办事项应用程序,具有同步功能,适用于 Windows、macOS、Linux、Android 和 iOS。A secure note taking and to-do app with syncing capabilities for Windows, macOS, Linux, Android and iOS. GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 or later
Knotes 2.11.2 高效全能的读书笔记管理工具,读书爱好者的最佳读书伴侣。An efficient reading notes management tool for bookworms. Unknown
Koodo-Reader 1.7.0 一款现代电子书管理器和阅读器,具有同步和备份功能,适用于 Windows、macOS、Linux 和 Web。A modern ebook manager and reader with sync and backup capacities for Windows, macOS, Linux and Web. GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
KuGouMusic 酷狗音乐 Unknown
Lark 7.27.10 无缝衔接的团队工作工具。Essential Work Tools, Seamless Connection Unknown
Lattics 2.1.0 「类脑式」知识管理笔记与写作。"Brain-like" Knowledge Management Notes. Unknown
Listary 一个革命性的 Windows 搜索工具。A revolutionary search utility for Windows. Shareware
LocalSend 1.15.4 将文件共享到附近的设备。免费、开源、跨平台。Share files to nearby devices. An open source cross-platform alternative to AirDrop. MIT
LX-Music 2.9.0 一个基于 electron 的音乐软件。An electron-based music player. Apache License 2.0
Mailpit 1.20.6 为开发人员提供的带有应用程序接口的电子邮件和 SMTP 测试工具。An email and SMTP testing tool with API for developers. MIT
Manuskript 0.16.1 一个面向作家的开源工具。A open-source tool for writers. GNU General Public License v3.0
MarkLion 5.8.6830.0 部署在企业私有服务器的快捷高效设计协作平台,助力团队提升协作效率、保障产品数据安全与私密。 Unknown
MarkText 0.17.1 一个简单优雅的 MarkDown 编辑器,可用于 Linux、macOS 和 Windows。A simple and elegant markdown editor, available for Linux, macOS and Windows. MIT
MediaElch 2.12.0 Kodi 的媒体管理器。Media Manager for Kodi. GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
Monit 0.8.1 🎯桌面小组件。Desktop Widget. MIT
Motrix 1.8.19 一个全功能的下载器。A full-featured download manager. MIT
mpv 0.39.0 一个免费的、开源的、跨平台的媒体播放器。A free, open source, and cross-platform media player LGPL-2.1+
MusicBee 3.5.8698 音乐播放器,可轻松管理、查找和播放音乐、播客、网络广播电台等。The ultimate music player to easily manage, find, and play music, podcasts, web radio stations, etc Freeware
MusicPlayer2 2.77.1 一款集音乐播放、歌词显示、格式转换等众多功能于一身的音频播放软件。Audio player which supports music collection playback, lyrics display, format conversion and many other functions. GNU General Public License v3.0
Neovim 0.10.2 一个旨在重构 Vim 的文本编辑器项目。A project that seeks to aggressively refactor Vim. Apache License 2.0
ngrok 3.17.0 一个命令用于通过任何 NAT 或防火墙向本地主机服务器提供即时、安全的 URL,即内网穿透。Spend more time programming. One command for an instant, secure URL to your localhost server through any NAT or firewall. Shareware
Noi 0.4.0 人工智能助力你的世界 —— 探索、扩展、赋能。Power Your World with AI - Explore, Extend, Empower. Unknown
NotepadNext 0.8 Notepad++ 的跨平台重新实现。A cross-platform, reimplementation of Notepad++ GNU General Public License v3.0
Notepads 一款设计简约的现代轻量级文本编辑器。A modern, lightweight text editor with a minimalist design. MIT
nvm-desktop 3.4.0 一个用于管理多个活动 node.js 版本的桌面应用程序。A desktop application to manage multiple active node.js versions. MIT
OBS-Studio 30.2.3 用于视频录制和直播的免费开源软件。Free and open source software for video recording and live streaming. GNU General Public License v2.0
Obsidian 1.6.7 强大的知识库,基于 Markdown 文件。Powerful knowledge base that works on top of a local folder of plain text Markdown files. Proprietary
Oh-My-Posh 23.20.1 任何 shell 的提示主题引擎。A prompt theme engine for any shell. MIT
PDFgear 2.1.8 一款功能齐全的 PDF 管理软件。A piece of full-featured PDF management software. Freeware
PeaZip 9.9.1 一个基于开放源码技术的免费文件归档(压缩)实用程序。A free file archiver utility, based on Open Source technologies. GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
PhpStorm 2024.2.3 由 JetBrains 开发的适用于 PHP 的跨平台集成开发环境。Cross-Platform IDE for PHP by JetBrains. Shareware
PicGo 2.3.1 由 vue-cli-electron-builder 构建的简洁美观的图片上传工具。A simple & beautiful tool for pictures uploading built by vue-cli-electron-builder. MIT
PixPin 功能强大使用简单的截图/贴图工具,帮助你提高效率。A powerful screenshot tool. Unknown
PixPinBeta (Beta 版本) 功能强大使用简单的截图/贴图工具,帮助你提高效率。(Beta version) A powerful screenshot tool. Unknown
Postman 11.16.0 一个完整的API开发环境。Complete API development environment. Freeware
Pot 3.0.5 一个跨平台的划词翻译和OCR软件。A cross-platform software for text translation and recognition. GNU General Public License v3.0
PotPlayer 240827 高度可定制的媒体播放器。Highly customizable media player. Freeware
PSCompletions 5.0.5 一个补全管理模块,更简单、更方便的使用 PowerShell 命令补全。A completion manager for better and simpler use PowerShell completions. MIT
PyCharm 2024.2.3 由 JetBrains 开发的适用于纯 Python 开发的 IDE。Cross-Platform IDE for Python by JetBrains. Shareware
PyCharmCE 2024.2.3 社区版 - 由 JetBrains 开发的适用于纯 Python 开发的 IDE。Community Edition - Cross-Platform IDE for Python by JetBrains. Freeware
pyenv-win 3.1.1 windows 下的 pyenv,一个简单的 python 版本管理工具。pyenv for Windows. pyenv is a simple python version management tool. MIT
QQ (NT版本) 一款能让你与你的朋友和家人保持联系的即时通讯工具。(NT version) An instant messaging tool that gives you the best way to keep in touch with your friends and family. Unknown
QQBrowser 11.1.5155.400 腾讯官方出品,基于 Chromium 内核开发,启动速度、打开网页速度更快的浏览器。Tencent's official Chromium-based browser with faster startup and web page opening speed. Unknown
QtScrcpy 2.2.1 通过TCP/IP或USB显示和控制Android设备。Display and control Android device via TCP/IP or USB. Apache License 2.0
Quicker 指尖工具箱, Windows 效率工具 Shareware
Raptor 2024.2.1 第三方阿里云盘桌面应用客户端 GNU General Public License v3.0
Recyclarr 7.2.4 一个命令行应用程序,可自动将 TRaSH 指南中的推荐设置同步到 Sonarr/Radarr 实例。A command-line application that will automatically synchronize recommended settings from the TRaSH guides to your Sonarr/Radarr instances. MIT
Rider 2024.2.6 由 JetBrains 开发的适用于 .NET 的跨平台集成开发环境。Cross-Platform IDE for .NET by JetBrains. Shareware
Rime 0.16.3 一个跨平台的开源输入法,Windows 中叫小狼毫。A cross-platform open source input method. It's called weasel on Windows. GNU General Public License v3.0
Rubick 4.2.9 基于 electron 的开源工具箱,自由集成丰富插件。Electron based open source toolbox, free integration of rich plug-ins. MIT
RubyMine 2024.2.3 由 JetBrains 开发的适用于 Ruby 和 Rails 的跨平台集成开发环境。Cross-Platform IDE for Ruby and Rails by JetBrains. Shareware
RunCat 2.0 一个 windows 任务栏上的可爱的奔跑猫动画。A cute running cat animation on your windows taskbar. Apache License 2.0
RustDesk 1.3.1 一个安全的远程桌面访问工具,用 Rust 语言编写。An open-source remote desktop software, written in Rust. GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
Screego 1.11.1 开发人员屏幕共享。Screen sharing for developers. GNU General Public License v3.0
ScreenToGif 2.41.1 该工具可让您录制屏幕的选定区域、网络摄像头的实时画面或草图板上的实时绘图。之后,您可以编辑动画并将其保存为 gif、apng、视频、psd 或 png 图像。This tool allows you to record a selected area of your screen, live feed from your webcam or live drawings from a sketchboard. Afterward, you can edit and save the animation as a gif, apng, video, psd or png image. Microsoft Public License
Sigma-File-Manager 1.7.0 一款免费、开源、快速发展的现代文件管理器。A free, open-source, quickly evolving, modern file manager (explorer / browser) app. GNU GPLv3 or later
SimpleMindMap 0.11.2 一个相对强大的Web思维导图。A relatively powerful web mind map. MIT
SimplyListenMusic 一个阿里云盘音乐播放器,它可以读取阿里云盘内的音乐来进行播放。 用户可以创建并同步歌单,播放时可以读取歌曲标签信息,还支持读取内嵌歌词/外置歌词。 Unknown
SiYuan 3.1.8 一款隐私优先的个人知识管理系统,支持完全离线使用,同时也支持端到端加密同步。融合块、大纲和双向链接,重构你的思维。A privacy-first personal knowledge management system that supports complete offline usage, as well as end-to-end encrypted data sync. Fuse blocks, outlines, and bidirectional links to refactor your thinking. GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
Snipaste 1.16.2 一个剪切工具,可以让你把截图固定在屏幕上。A snipping tool, which allows you to pin the screenshot back onto the screen. Unknown
Snipaste2 2.9.2 一个剪切工具,可以让你把截图固定在屏幕上。A snipping tool, which allows you to pin the screenshot back onto the screen. Unknown
SodaMusic 1.7.6 抖音官方出品音乐 App。DouYin's official music App. Unknown
Spacedrive 0.4.2 一个开源的跨平台文件浏览器,由一个用 Rust 编写的虚拟分布式文件系统提供支持。An open source cross-platform file explorer, powered by a virtual distributed filesystem written in Rust. GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
SQLynx 3.4.0 本地基于 Web 的 SQL IDE,支持企业桌面和网络管理。它是一款跨平台数据库工具,适用于所有数据处理人员。它支持所有流行的数据库,如 MySQL、MariaDB、PostgreSQL、SQLite、Hive、Impala、Hadoop 等。Native Web-Based SQL IDE, support desktop and web management for enterprise. It's a cross-platform database tool for everyone working with data. It supports all popular databases like MySQL, MariaDB, PostgreSQL, SQLite, Hive, Impala, Hadoop and more. Unknown
Starship 1.20.1 适用于任何 shell 的最简洁、快速且可定制的提示符。The minimal, blazing fast, and extremely customizable prompt for any shell! ISC License
Steampp 2.8.6 一个开源跨平台的多功能 Steam 工具箱,它有另一个名字: "Watt Toolkit"。A toolbox with lots of Steam tools. Its other name is "Watt Toolkit". GNU General Public License v3.0 适用于 Windows 的鼠标手势识别实用程序,可让您创建强大的鼠标手势,从而节省您的时间。Mouse gesture recognition utility for Windows which allows you to create powerful mouse gestures that save you time. Freeware
SublimeText 4180 一个文本编辑器。A text editor. Shareware
superProductivity 10.0.11 一个先进的待办事项列表应用程序,集成了时间盒和时间跟踪功能。它还集成了 Jira、Gitlab、GitHub 和 Open Project。An advanced todo list app with integrated Timeboxing and time tracking capabilities. It also comes with integrations for Jira, Gitlab, GitHub and Open Project. MIT
SwitchHosts 一个管理、切换多个 hosts 方案的工具,快速切换 hosts!An App for hosts management & switching.Switch hosts quickly! Apache License 2.0
SyncBackFree 可免费用于个人、教育、慈善、政府和商业用途的 Windows 备份软件。Windows Backup Software that is free for personal, educational, charity, government, and commercial use. Freeware
Thunderbird 128.3.1esr 一款易于设置和定制的免费电子邮件应用程序。A free email application that's easy to set up and customize. Freeware
Thunderbird-CN 128.3.1esr 一款易于设置和定制的免费电子邮件应用程序。A free email application that's easy to set up and customize. Freeware
TinyRDM 1.2.1 一款现代轻量级跨平台 Redis 桌面管理器。A modern lightweight cross-platform Redis Desktop Manager. GNU General Public License v3.0
TrafficMonitor 1.84.1 Windows 上的网络监控窗口软件。可显示当前网速/CPU/内存使用情况。支持嵌入任务栏/主题更改/流量统计。Network monitoring floating window software on Windows. It can display the current network speed, CPU and memory usage. It also supports being embedded into the taskbar, theme changing and traffic statistics. “Anti 996” License
TranslucentTB 2024.1 一个轻量级的实用程序,使 Windows 任务栏半透明/透明。A lightweight utility that makes the Windows taskbar translucent/transparent. GNU General Public License v3.0
TTime 0.9.14 一款简洁、高效、高颜值的输入、截图、划词翻译软件。A concise, efficient, and high-quality input, screenshot, and word translation software. Apache License 2.0(with the additional conditions)
Typora 1.9.5 一个 Markdown 编辑器和阅读器,所见即所得。A minimal Markdown editor and reader. Proprietary
TyporaFree 0.9.96 (Beta Free 版本) 一个 Markdown 编辑器和阅读器,所见即所得。(Beta Free Version) A minimal Markdown editor and reader. Freeware
UACWhitelistTool 1.8.2 一个可以添加 UAC 白名单的小工具! GNU General Public License v3.0
uncle-novel 5.0.44 一个全网小说下载器及阅读器,目录解析与书源结合,支持有声小说与文本小说,可下载 mobi、epub、txt 格式文本小说。 MIT
Uninstalr 2.5 一个用于在 Windows 中快速、轻便、准确地卸载软件的应用程序。A fast, lightweight and accurate way to uninstall software in Windows. Unknown
Upscayl 2.11.5 适用于 Linux、MacOS 和 Windows 的免费开源 AI 图像升级程序,秉承 Linux 优先的理念。Free and Open Source AI Image Upscaler for Linux, MacOS and Windows built with Linux-First philosophy. GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
uTools 5.2.1 新一代效率工具平台,自由组合插件应用,打造专属你的趁手工具集。 Unknown
version-manager 0.6.9 支持各种语言,无需插件,无需记忆命令,最好用的SDK版本管理器。A general version manager for 60+ SDKs with TUI inspired by lazygit. No need to remember any commands. MIT License
vfox 0.6.0 Manage multiple SDK versions with a single CLI tool, extendable via plugins Apache-2.0
VLC 3.0.21 一款自由、开源的跨平台多媒体播放器及框架,可播放大多数多媒体文件,以及 DVD、音频 CD、VCD 及各类流媒体协议。A free and open source cross-platform multimedia player and framework that plays most multimedia files as well as DVDs, Audio CDs, VCDs, and various streaming protocols. GPL-2.0
VovStickyNotes 9.2 创建数字贴纸和提醒事项。Creates digital stickers and reminders Shareware
VSCode 1.94.2 一个轻量级、功能强大,插件生态丰富的文件编辑器。Lightweight but powerful source code editor. Freeware
WasmEdge 0.14.1 一款轻量级、高性能和可扩展的 WebAssembly 运行时,适用于云原生、边缘和去中心化应用。它为无服务器应用程序、嵌入式功能、微服务、智能合约和物联网设备提供支持。A lightweight, high-performance, and extensible WebAssembly runtime for cloud native, edge, and decentralized applications. It powers serverless apps, embedded functions, microservices, smart contracts, and IoT devices. Apache License 2.0
WebStorm 2024.2.3 由 JetBrains 开发的 JavaScript 和 TypeScript 的跨平台集成开发环境。Cross-Platform IDE for JavaScript and TypeScript by JetBrains. Shareware
WeChat 一款跨平台的通讯工具。支持单人、多人参与。通过手机网络发送语音、图片、视频和文字。A free messaging and calling app. Enjoy group chats that support voice and video calls, photos, videos, and stickers. Unknown
WeekToDo 2.2.0 一个免费和开源的极简每周计划和待办事项应用程序,专注于隐私。A free and open source minimalist weekly planner and To Do list App focused on privacy. GNU General Public License v3.0
Widgets 24.10.6 功能强大、符合人体工程学的 Windows 桌面组件系统,使用 Vue 构建。Desktop widgets for windows. built with vue3. GNU General Public License v2.0
WinRAR 7.01 一款功能强大的存档器(RAR 和 ZIP)和解压工具,可打开所有流行的文件格式。A powerful archiver (RAR and ZIP) and extractor tool that can open all popular file formats. Shareware
WinRAR-CN 7.01 一款功能强大的存档器(RAR 和 ZIP)和解压工具,可打开所有流行的文件格式。A powerful archiver (RAR and ZIP) and extractor tool that can open all popular file formats. Shareware
WiseCare365 Windows 系统清理和加速工具。Free Windows PC Cleaner and Speed up Tool Freeware
WonderPen 2.4.5 一款专业的写作软件,致力于为作者提供专注且流畅的写作体验。A professional writing software dedicated to providing writers with a focused and smooth writing experience. Unknown
Writeathon 1.0.7 一款写作产品,为创作者提供丰富的灵感和完善的流程。A product for writing, providing the flow and inspiration creators need to make content. Unknown
XBYDriver 3.13.5 小白羊网盘 - Powered by 阿里云盘 MIT
XYplorer 26.50.0100 一个 Windows 上的第三方文件管理器。A file manager for Windows. Proprietary
XYplorerFree 17.40.0100 (Free 版本) 一个 Windows 上的第三方文件管理器。(Free version) A file manager for Windows. Freeware
YouDaoTranslate 网易有道翻译。YouDaoTranslate for windows. Unknown
YuQue 为每一个人,为每一个团队,提供优秀的文档与知识库工具。Provide excellent documentation and knowledge base tools for everyone and every team. Unknown
Z-Library 1.02 Z-Library——世界上最大的电子书图书馆。Z-Library – the world’s largest e-book library. Unknown
Zotero 6.0.36 Open-source reference management software to manage bibliographic data and related research materials. AGPL-3.0


Name Version Description License
probe 0.0.3 Simplified Integration Testing Using YAML and JQ. MIT
sttr 0.2.24 sttr is command line software that allows you to quickly run various transformation operations on the string. MIT


Lucy’s Scoop bucket (with BYOND and such)

Name Version Description License
byond 514.1589 BYOND is a free software suite for creating and playing online games. Proprietary
byond-beta 515.1632 BYOND is a free software suite for creating and playing online games. (Beta version) Proprietary
gitoxide 0.37.0 gitoxide is an implementation of git written in Rust for developing future-proof applications which strive for correctness and performance while providing a pleasant and unsurprising developer experience. Apache-2.0
spacemandmm 1.9 SpacemanDMM is a suite of tools for working with DreamMaker codebases and map files. It features a full-size fancy map renderer, a language server, and a documentation generator for DM codebases. GPL-3.0


A scoop bucket containing little toys written by absx

Name Version Description License
chnroutes-rs 0.1.1 Rust version of chnroutes (with more features), to bypass the VPN accessing CN IPs. MIT
fuck-delete-it 0.1.0 Force delete file/folder on Windows, kill occupying processes. MIT
git-simple-encrypt 1.3.0 An extremely simple-to-use, user-friendly git encrypt solution. MIT
openppp2-client 0.1.2 Force delete file/folder on Windows, kill occupying processes. Unknown
urldecoder 1.3.2 Decode URLs in your files! MIT
wordinfo 1.1.0 A CLI tool to info words from web. MIT
wordsreciter GUI_v2.1.0 GUI 跨平台背词器,快速记词,导入 anki MIT


Name Version Description License
bl 1.0.0 BrainFuck virtual machine WTFPL
bonzomatic 2022-02-05 Live shader coding tool and Shader Showdown workhorse. [<em>Failed validating 'required' in schema[1]:</em>] Link
consolepauser 2019.11.07.161212 A console timer to get program running time, and it can stop when run over. WTFPL
consoletimer 2019.11.07.181706 A console timer to get program running time. WTFPL
dock 2019.12.09.071222 提取自软媒魔方的dock WTFPL
fuck-apple 2019.11.07.163207 Delete all mac os rubish like '._.DS.Store'. WTFPL
get-elec-bills 2020.02.13.083923 Get TCU charge bills. WTFPL
ip 2020.02.13.083911 Get ip address fastly. WTFPL
mdconverter 1.0 convert img in markdown from url / path to base64 WTFPL
officebox 3.1.2 Wan cai office tools set. EULA
pasteex Paste the contents of the clipboard into files. GPL-3.0
servermanager A tool in the SharpShell source code that can be used to help debug Shell Extensions. MIT
trafficmonitor 1.84 TrafficMonitor is a network monitoring suspension window software in Windows platform. GPL-3.0


A personal bucket for

Name Version Description License
1by1-Portable 2.10 1by1. Directory Player: directly plays folder contents. freeware
1Remote-Portable 1.0.0 1Remote. 1Remote is a modern personal remote session manager and launcher. GPL-3.0
4KSlideshowMaker-Install 4K Slideshow Maker. Create impressive slideshows, save your memories. Freeware
4KSlideshowMaker-Portable 4K Slideshow Maker. Create impressive slideshows, save your memories. Freeware
4KVideoDownloader-Install 4.32.5 4K Video Downloader. Allows downloading videos, playlists, channels and subtitles from YouTube, Facebook, Vimeo and other video sites in high quality. Freeware
4KVideoDownloader-Portable 4.32.5 4K Video Downloader. Allows downloading videos, playlists, channels and subtitles from YouTube, Facebook, Vimeo and other video sites in high quality. Freeware
4KVideoDownloaderPlus-Install 1.9.2 4K Video Downloader+. Download videos from all popular websites including YouTube, Vimeo, TikTok, SoundCloud, Facebook, Twitch, Bilibili and more in high-quality Freeware
4KVideoDownloaderPlus-Portable 1.9.2 4K Video Downloader+. Download videos from all popular websites including YouTube, Vimeo, TikTok, SoundCloud, Facebook, Twitch, Bilibili and more in high-quality Freeware
7Zip-Install 24.08 7-Zip. A multi-format file archiver with high compression ratios Freeware
7ZipBeta-Portable 24.08 7-Zip Beta. Multi-format compression/decompression tool (beta version) LGPL-2.1+
AccentApplicator-UserInstall Accent Applicator. Is a light program for Windows 10 that applies your accent color to some UI elements in desktop apps by updating System Colors MIT License
AcrylicDNSProxy-Portable 2.2.0 Acrylic DNS Proxy. A local DNS proxy for Windows which improves the performance of your computer by caching the responses coming from your DNS servers and helps you fight unwanted ads through a custom HOSTS file. GPL-2.0
AdGuardHome-Portable 0.107.53 AdGuard Home. Network-wide ads & trackers blocking DNS server GPL-3.0+
AdobeAcrobatReader-Install 24.003.20054 Adobe Acrobat Reader DC. Not only view, but print, sign, and annotate PDFs with the free Adobe Acrobat Reader DC. Copyright (c) Adobe
AdobeCreativeCloud-ManualInstall Adobe Creative Cloud. Creative Cloud for desktop is a great place to start any creative project. Proprietary
AdobeCreativeCloudCleanerToolCLI-Portable Adobe Creative Cloud Cleaner Tool. A utility for experienced users to clean up corrupted installations of Adobe software. Unknown
AdobeCreativeCloudPreW10-ManualInstall Adobe Creative Cloud. Creative Cloud for desktop is a great place to start any creative project. Proprietary
AdobeDNGConverter-ManualInstall 16.5 Adobe DNG Converter. The Adobe DNG Converter enables you to easily convert camera-specific raw files from supported cameras to a more universal DNG raw file. Freeware
AdvancedIPScanner-Portable 2.5.4594.1 Advanced IP Scanner. Network scanner that can analyse LAN, show network devices, and provide remote control via RDP and Radmin. Freeware
AdvancedPassGen-Portable 2.5.2 Advanced PassGen. Free and open-source application that can help you generate passwords and export them GPL-3.0
AdvancedWgetGUI-Portable Advanced Wget GUI. AWGG comes from Advanced Wget GUI. AWGG is a lightweight multiplatform and multilanguage download manager. GPL-2.0
alias-additions v0.0.5 Alias-Additions. Adds aliases to scoop [<em>Failed validating 'required' in schema:</em>]  
Allavsoft-Install Allavsoft. Download free videos from 100+ sites and convert to popular video and audio format.  
AllwaySync-Install 22.0.1 Allway Sync. Is backup and file synchronization software. Propritary
AllwaySyncnGo-Portable 22.0.1 Allway Sync 'n' Go. Is backup and file synchronization software. Propritary
AltAppInstaller-Portable 2.6.9 Alt App Installer. A Program To Download And Install Windows Store Apps Mit
AmazonGames-UserInstall 3.0.9202.1 Amazon Games. Explore all games, loot, and more for Prime members  
AmazonMusic-UserInstall Amazon Music. Your Music: Simplae, Fast, Advanced.  
AngryIPScanner-Portable 3.9.1 Angry IP Scanner. Fast and friendly network scanner. GPL-2.0+
Anki-Portable 24.06.3 Anki. Powerful and intelligent flash cards AGPL-3.0
AnyBurn-Portable 5.4 AnyBurn. AnyBurn is a light weight but professional CD / DVD / Blu-ray burning software that everyone must have Freeware
apkeepCLI-Portable 0.17.0 apkeep. Command-line tool for downloading APK files from various sources MIT
AppBuster-Portable 1.4.1345 O&O AppBuster. Bust Apps you do not want! Freeware
AppFlowy-Portable 0.7.1 App Flowy. An open-source alternative to Notion. You are in charge of your data and customizations AGPL-3.0
AquaSnap-Portable 1.24.1 AquaSnap. The best tiling window manager for Windows Freeware
Arduino-Portable 2.3.3 Arduino IDE. Makes it easy to write code and upload it to the board. GPL-2.0+
ArduinoRC-Portable 2.3.3 Arduino IDE RC. Makes it easy to write code and upload it to the board. (Release Candidate) AGPL-3.0+
AriaNgGUI-Portable 3.1.2 Aria Ng GUI. An Aria2 GUI for Windows & Linux & MacOS. MIT
Arp-PingCLI-Portable 0.5 Arp-Ping. An implementation of "ping" over arp lookup, similar in behavior to the "arping" *nix program. Freeware
ArpsiftCLI-Portable 0.2 Arpsift. A console utility that watches the ARP table - providing a scrolling log of when entries are added, removed or changed. Freeware
AsusDeviceDiscovery-ManualInstall ASUS Device Discovery. Find the IP address of your wireless router or AP from Windows  
Atom-Portable 1.60.0 Atom. The hackable text editor MIT
Audacious-Portable 4.4.1 Audacious. An open source audio player. BSD-2
Audacity-Install 3.6.4 Audacity. An easy-to-use, multi-track audio editor and recorder GPL-2.0+
Audacity-Portable 3.6.4 Audacity. An easy-to-use, multi-track audio editor and recorder GPL-2.0+
AudioRouter-Portable 0.10.5 Audio Router. Routes audio from programs to different audio devices on windows. (community updates) GPL-3.0
Authme-Portable 5.3.1 Authme. A 2FA desktop app that supports TOTP and Google Authenticator QR codes. GPL-3.0
AutoDarkMode-Portable Auto Dark Mode. Automatically switches between the dark and light theme of Windows 10 at scheduled times. GPL-3.0
AutoDarkMode-UserInstall Auto Dark Mode. Automatically switches between the dark and light theme of Windows 10 at scheduled times. GPL-3.0
AutoHotkey-Install AutoHotkey. The ultimate automation scripting language for Windows. GPL-2.0+
AutoHotkey-Portable AutoHotkey. The ultimate automation scripting language for Windows. GPL-2.0+
AutoHotkey2-Install 2.0.18 AutoHotkey2. The ultimate automation scripting language for Windows. GPL-2.0+
AutoHotkey2-Portable 2.0.18 AutoHotkey 2. The ultimate automation scripting language for Windows. GPL-2.0+
AutoHotkey2-UserInstall 2.0.18 AutoHotkey2. The ultimate automation scripting language for Windows. GPL-2.0+
AutoIt-Install AutoIt. Scripting language designed for automating the Windows GUI and general scripting Freeware
AutoIt-Portable AutoIt. Scripting language designed for automating the Windows GUI and general scripting Freeware
Autologon-Portable 3.10 Autologon. Windows built-in autologon mechanism configurator Freeware
AutorunOrganizer-Install 5.45 Autorun Organizer. Free Startup Manager for Windows Freeware
AutorunOrganizer-Portable 5.45 Autorun Organizer. Free Startup Manager for Windows Freeware
AutoUnlocker-Portable 2.0.1 Auto Unlocker. Unlocker for VMWare macOS GPL-3.0
Avidemux-Portable 2.8.1 Avidemux. Video editor designed for simple cutting, filtering and encoding tasks GPL-2.0
AWGG-Portable AWGG. AWGG comes from Advanced Wget GUI. AWGG is a lightweight multiplatform and multilanguage download manager. GPL-2.0
balenaEtcher-Portable 1.19.25 balenaEtcher. Flash OS images to SD cards & USB drives, safely and easily. Apache-2.0
balenaEtcher-UserInstall 1.19.25 balenaEtcher. Flash OS images to SD cards & USB drives, safely and easily. Apache-2.0
Bart-Portable 3.1 Bart. A file and folder backup tool, which transfers changes from multiple source directory trees to destination trees. Freeware
BeautySearch-Portable 1.17 BeautySearch. Windows 10 Search Window appearance tweaker GPL-3.0+
BeekeeperStudio-Portable 4.6.8 Beekeeper Studio. SQL editor and database management MIT
Bitwarden-Portable 2024.9.0 Bitwarden. Password management solutions for individuals, teams, and business organizations GPL-3.0+
Blender-Portable 4.2.2 Blender. 3D creation suite GPL-3.0+
BlueStacks5-ManualInstall BlueStacks 5. Android emulator. Freeware
BootRacer-Install 9.20.2024.0626 BootRacer. Monitors Boot Time and Detects Slow Startup Programs Freemium
Brave-Portable 1.70.126 Brave. Secure, Fast & Private Web Browser with Adblocker MPL 2.0
Brave-UserInstall 1.70.126 Brave. Secure, Fast & Private Web Browser with Adblocker Freeware
BraveBeta-Portable 1.72.79 Brave Beta. Secure, Fast & Private Web Browser with Adblocker (beta release) Freeware
BraveNightly-Portable 1.73.8 Brave Nightly. Secure, Fast & Private Web Browser with Adblocker (nightly release) Freeware
BrickLinkStudio-Install 2.24.9 BrickLink Studio. Studio is a desktop application that allows users to build LEGO models using virtual parts. Unknown
BrickLinkStudio-Portable 2.24.9 BrickLink Studio. Studio is a desktop application that allows users to build LEGO models using virtual parts. Unknown
BrowserTamer-Portable 4.2.0 Browser Tamer. Opens required browser based on configuration Freeware
BulkCrapUninstaller-Portable 5.8.1 Bulk Crap Uninstaller. Bulk program uninstaller with advanced automation. Apache-2.0
BurntToast-PSModule 0.8.5 BurntToast. PowerShell Module for displaying Windows 10 and Windows Server 2019 Toast Notifications MIT
Caffeine-Portable 1.97 Caffeine. Prevents PC from locking, sleeping or activating the screensaver. Freeware
Capture2Text-Portable 4.6.3 Capture2Text. Enables users to quickly OCR a portion of the screen using a keyboard shortcut. GPL
CarotDAV-Portable 1.16.3 CarotDAV. A simple WebDAV / FTP / SFTP / Online Storages client for Windows OS Freeware
CCleaner-Portable 6.28.11297 CCleaner. Number-one tool for cleaning your PC. Freeware
CenterTaskbar-Portable 1.92 CenterTaskbar. Centers Windows taskbar icons. MIT
ChatALL-Portable 1.83.108 ChatALL. Concurrently chat with ChatGPT, Bing Chat, bard, Alpaca, Vincuna, Claude, ChatGLM, MOSS, iFlytek Spark, ERNIE and more, discover the best answers Apache-2.0
ChatBox-Portable 0.10.0 ChatBox. a cross-platform desktop client for OpenAI API, also a prompt debugging and management tool. GNU General Public License v3.0
Chocolatey-Portable 2.3.0 Chocolatey. The package manager for Windows Unknown
CloneApp-Portable 2.15.606 CloneApp. Backs up All Windows program settings. Freeware
CompactGUI-Portable 3.5.1 CompactGUI. Is a standalone user interface that makes the Windows 10 compact.exe function easier to use. GPL-3.0
ComputerManagementDsc-PSModule 9.2.0 ComputerManagementDsc. These DSC resources allow you to perform computer management tasks, such as renaming the computer, joining a domain and scheduling tasks as well as configuring items such as virtual memory, event logs, time zones and power settings MIT
ContextMenuManager-Portable ContextMenuManager. A program to manage the Windows right-click context menu. MIT
ControlUWP-Portable 0.22.0 ControlUWP. An enthusiast take on what the Windows 10 Settings app should be and where everything is in place MIT License
Coodesker-Portable Coodesker. Automatically organize your desktop shortcuts icons and running tasks. Freeware
CryengineLauncher-Install 2.2.2 CRYENGINE Launcher. The most powerful game development platform for you and your team to create world-class entertainment experiences Proprietary
CryengineLauncher-UserInstall 2.2.2 CRYENGINE Launcher. The most powerful game development platform for you and your team to create world-class entertainment experiences Proprietary
CTTWindowsUtility-Script nightly Chris Titus Tech's Windows Utility. Compilation of windows tasks Chris Titus performs on each Windows system he uses. MIT
CuteHttpFileServer-Portable 3.1 CuteHttpFileServer/chfs. 是一个免费的、HTTP协议的文件共享服务器,使用浏览器可以快速访问. Freeware
CuteHttpFileServerGUI-Portable 3.1 CuteHttpFileServerGUI/chfs. 文件共享服务器的图形界面 Freeware
DadroitJsonViewer-Portable Dadroit JSON Viewer. A JSON viewer that gives a new approach to process JSON Data files. Proprietary
Darker-Portable Darker. This simple tray app for Windows 10 allows you to switch system or applications theme (Dark/Light) with one click Freeware
Database.NET-Portable 36.3.9023.2 Database .NET. Innovative, powerful and intuitive multiple database management tool Freeware
DBeaver-Portable 24.2.2 DBeaver. Database tool for developers, SQL programmers, database administrators and analysts Apache-2.0
DeezerDesktop-Portable Deezer Desktop. Enjoy all of your music and usual features, plus HotKeys, Offline Mode and an improved look and feel. Freeware
DeezerDesktop-UserInstall Deezer Desktop. Enjoy all of your music and usual features, plus HotKeys, Offline Mode and an improved look and feel. Freeware
Defraggler-Portable 2.22.995 Defraggler. Speed up your PC with quick & easy defragmentation. Freeware
DevToys-Install DevToys. A Swiss Army knife for developers. MIT
DHCPServer-Portable 2.5.2 DHCP Server. A DHCP Server assigns IP addresses to client computers. Unknown
Discord-Portable 1.0.9156-20 Discord. Free Voice and Text Chat Freeware
DismPlusPlus-Portable 10.1.1002.2 DISM++. A gatis Windows utility similar to DISM, but with a GUI and based on CBS Unknown
DisplayDriverUninstaller-Portable Display Driver Uninstaller (DDU). Driver removal utility that can help you completely uninstall AMD/NVIDIA graphics card drivers and packages from your system, without leaving leftovers behind (including registry keys, folders and files, driver store) Unknown
DLSSSwapper-Portable DLSS Swapper. A tool to swap DLSS dlls GPL-3.0
DNSControlCLI-Portable 4.13.0 DNSControl. Synchronize your DNS to multiple providers from a simple DSL. MIT
DNSJumper-Portable 2.3 DNS Jumper. Quickly and easily change IPv4 and IPv6 DNS settings. Freeware
DNSProxyCLI-Portable 0.73.2 DNS Proxy. A simple DNS proxy server that supports all existing DNS protocols including DNS-over-TLS, DNS-over-HTTPS, DNSCrypt, and DNS-over-QUIC. Apache-2.0 24.7.17 A diagramming app for making flowcharts, process diagrams, org charts, UML, ER and network diagrams. Apache-2.0
DrFolder-Portable Dr Folder. Customize desktop & windows folder icon and color. Freeware
DriverStoreExplorer-Portable 0.11.92 Driver Store Explorer. A GUI tool to manage Windows driver store GPL-2.0+
DropPoint-Portable 1.2.1 DropPoint. Make drag-and-drop easier using DropPoint. Drag content without having to open side-by-side windows GPL-3.0
dsqCLI-Portable 0.23.0 dsq. Commandline tool for running SQL queries against JSON, CSV, Excel, Parquet, and more. Apache-2.0
DYMOConnect-Install DYMO Connect. Label printer software and drivers that supports all with all 450 series/4XL, 550 series/5XL and LabelManagers Proprietary
EarTrumpet-Portable 2.3.0 EarTrumpet. Volume control for Windows MIT
EdgeDeflector-Portable EdgeDeflector. A small helper application that intercepts URIs that force-open web links in Microsoft Edge and redirects it to the system’s default web browser MIT
ElevenClock-Portable ElevenClock. A taskbar clock for secondary taskbars on Windows 11 GPL-3.0+
EmbyServer-Portable Emby Server. Media server for personal streaming GPL-2.0
EmbyTheater-Portable 3.0.20 Emby Theater. Media browser for Emby GPL-2.0
EnableLoopbackUtility-Portable EnableLoopback Utility. Create Loopback Exemptions for Universal Windows Apps and Windows 8 Modern UI Apps Freeware
EncodeGUI-UserInstall 1.2.3 EncodeGUI. A free and open source video transcoder GUI that utilizes AI tools for a fascinating encoding experience. AGPL-3.0
EnigmaVirtualBox-Portable 11.00 Enigma Virtual Box. Enables application files and registry to be consolidated in a single executable file Freeware
EnvyUpdate-Portable 3.6 EnvyUpdate. A small update checker for NVidia GPUs. MIT
EpicGamesLauncher-Install 15.17.1 Epic Games Launcher. Allow players to purchase, install and keep their games up to date Freemium
EpicGamesLauncher-Portable 15.17.1 Epic Games Launcher. Allow players to purchase, install and keep their games up to date Freeware
EPUBCheck-Portable 5.1.0 EPUBCheck. A tool to validate the conformance of EPUB publications against the EPUB specifications. BSD-3
Eraser5-Portable Eraser 5. Secure data eraser  
ESETSysInspector-Portable ESET SysInspector. A diagnostic tool application that helps troubleshoot a wide range of system releated issues. Freeware
EventLogViewer-Portable 1.011 EventLogViewer. An advanced event log viewer. Developed by Kurt Zimmermann. Freeware
ExifPilot-Portable 6.25.1 Exif Pilot. EXIF/IPTC data viewer, EXIF data editor & creator freeware
ExplorerPatcher-Install 22621.3880.66.6 Explorer Patcher. This project aims to bring back a productive working environment on Windows 11 GPL 2.0
ExtendedGodMode-Portable Extended GodMode. is a utility for easy and quick access to system-level settings. The software is based on the GodMode function of Windows operating systems and complements their capabilities in several ways. Unknown
FanControl-Portable 206 Fan Control. A focused and highly customizable fan controlling software for Windows Unknown
FAT32FormatGUI-Portable 1.01 FAT32 Format GUI. A GUI FAT32 format tool that supports volumes greater than 32 GB. Unknown
FerdiumNightly-Portable 6.7.8-nightly.5 Ferdium. All-in-one messaging apps for various services Apache-2.0
Fido-PSScript 1.60 Fido. A PowerShell script to download Windows retail ISOs GPL-3.0+
FileMenuTools-Portable 8.4.2 FileMenu Tools. Customize the context menu of Windows File Explorer Proprietary
Files-Install 3.7.11 Files. A modern file explorer that pushes the boundaries of the Windows platform. MIT
FilesInspector-Install 4.10 Files Inspector. A Free Utility For Freeing Up Disk Space Manually Freeware
FilesInspector-Portable 4.10 Files Inspector. A Free Utility For Freeing Up Disk Space Manually Freeware
Firefox-Install 131.0.3 Firefox. Popular open source web browser. MPL-2.0
Firefox-Portable 131.0.3 Firefox. Popular open source web browser. MPL-2.0
FirefoxBeta-Portable 130.0b9 Firefox Beta. Beta builds of Firefox: the popular open source web browser. MPL-2.0
FirefoxDeveloper-Portable 132.0b6 Developer. Developer builds of Firefox: the popular open source web browser MPL-2.0
FirefoxNightly-Portable 133.0a1.20241014095457 Firefox Nightly. Nightly builds of Firefox: the popular open source web browser. MPL-2.0
FixWin10-Portable 10.2.2 Fix Windows 10. Easily fix and repair Windows 10 problems, issues and annoyances. Freeware
FixWin11-Portable 11.1 FixWin 11. the best PC Repair software to fix Windows 11/10 problems Freeware
FlashpointInfinity-Portable 12 Flashpoint Infinity. Archive of old flashpoint games/animations MIT
FlowLauncher-Portable 1.19.2 Flow Launcher. Quick file search & app launcher for Windows with community-made plugins MIT
FluentReader-Portable 1.1.4 Fluent Reader. Modern desktop RSS reader